Posted on Oct 4, 2018
Anyone else have a rough time working with civilians?
So since transitioning from the Marine Corps I've had a rough time working around civilians, it doesn't affect my performance. But at times it is annoying currently I work at a place where there is one guy that wants to act like a big tough guy but complains and yells about everything a real snowflake. I caught him talking about me behind my back, so I confronted him then he proceeds to tell me "was I talking to you" I followed up with your talking about me behind my back. I stayed behind my desk didn't raise my voice stayed calm, this guy got loud so everyone in the office could hear. I simply said be a man if you have a problem with me pull me aside or come out with it. But don't talk behind my back...I'm thinking I should go back working as a contractor or something. these guys have it easy and yet they complain about everything...#firstworldproblems
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
Had a problem when I first retired. I was used to structure, clearly defined tasks and goals, with order and discipline. The first civilian employment I had nearly caused me to lose what little mind I have left. No common goal, everyone was in it for themselves, no company or teammate loyalty, blatant disregard for supervisors, ...... UGH!! Made me want to try to return to active duty. Nearly nine years later and I still can't believe the level of disrespect and disorganization I encounter. At least now I've adapted and just press on with my own task goals.
Sgt Adrian Jones I understand your frustration. I was discharged in 1972, and I encountered many civilians that did not like the military or veterans. During my civilian career, most of the folks that had the same work ethics that I did were military or veterans. Over the years, I have adjusted to tolerate civilians, and I hope that you will also. Semper Fi Brother!
Sgt Adrian Jones
I know I will adapt its the Marine Corps way.. I'm just bewildered at how some of these companies are still in business.. Thanks for the words of encouragement
It's hard coming back. Your used to being and working with professionals. That's why so few Americans join the military, They can't be what we are. And most of them are just whiney assholes. Sorry but your going to have to learn to work with them because your stuck until you retire or win the lottery.
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