Posted on Sep 29, 2018
PO3 Gunner's Mate
Does my IRR time count towards my pay? I did an enlistment in the Navy and got out to attend college. Now that I have my degree I am joining the Army and going to OCS. I have heard that my IRR time will count towards my pay and read some things on here that say it does. However I also have seen some people say no it doesn’t count. Can anyone clear this up for me? Does anyone know the regulation? Anything will help!
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Responses: 6
CMSgt James Nolan
The answer is yes, but things will get complicated, your calculation date or R&R date will change whenever you re-join, which moves the target for getting your good years. Key is to always have good years in reserves, or you wind up doing 27 years to qualify to retire.....

Say for example you do 4 years active duty-you get paid as for ex E4 over 4-and you have 4 good years towards retirement
Then you go active reserves for 2 years, but you never have a good year, you are now being paid for ex E4 over 6 (but you still only have 4 years towards retirement)
Then you go IRR (you are still attached, but not drilling). Because Uncle Sam can recall you, they still count as service, but not towards retirement. So..say you do 2 years IRR, you are now going to be paid as E4 over 8 if you come back in, but after 8 years, you still only have 4 towards retirement.
Make sense? Time "attached" counts-because you can get the phone call with orders to report and go to wherever for whatever.
As a new officer, you will paid as a prior service enlisted, so you will be on the pay scale, for example, as an O-1E with however many years of service you had (including IRR).

Clear as mud
PO3 Gunner's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you very much! CMSgt James Nolan
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
In his favor, but a relatively recent change, is allowing the inactive time to count for the 4+ to qualify for O1-E. When I went through, only Active or Active Reserve time counted. So if you did six years, but two of them inactive, you would have been paid as O1 with 6 years, instead of O1-E with 6 years (O1-E being a much better pay scale).
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
SPC Alex Dillingham - You have a total point requirement for O1-E, it's either 4 years active or a total of 1460 reserve retirement points (which includes your active time).
2d Lt Cyberspace Operations
2d Lt (Join to see)
5 y
I am prior enlisted and recently commissioned. I return to AD next month and I have 5.5 AD and 2.5 IRR. My question is, will my reenlistment into the reserves for ROTC count towards TIS in terms of pay? I am trying to figure out if I will be paid as O-1E over 8 years or over 10 years.
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SGT(P) Police Officer
Yes it does, i have been in the IRR for a total of 12 years, that count when calculating your pay, but to retired you need 50 points for each year
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1SG Retired
For the years that you accumulated enough points for them to be good years, yes (for retirement pay).
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