Posted on Sep 25, 2018
SGT(P) Financial Management Technician
Stuck between active duty or or AGR, current ets is set for feb 2019. I’m sitting in a mos slot that’s not my MOS so re-enlisting doesn’t qualify me for a re-enlistment bonus. I would like to make this decision as soon as possible after the new FY. Also if it helps I’m an E-5 with 6 years reserves.
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Responses: 3
SGM Bill Frazer
So far it sounds like BS-1. You say E5 w/6yrs USAR- Profile says E1. 2. You either are AGR or you are active- not both. 3. What MOS slot you are in is immaterial, for re-enlistment/bonus. What matters is the MOS you trained in and that you were awarded with orders. 4. You choices 9-12 months out from your ETS are A) Re-enlist for your current MOS awarded- not sitting in, B) re-enlist for a different MOS (critical or shortage MOS's) C) ETS. 5. Your retention NCO should have counseled you on these choices about Dec 17- Feb-18, if you are telling the truth in any of this.
SGT(P) Financial Management Technician
SGT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Well one if you are referring to my username, I created this account back in 2012 (if that’s what you based you response on and got stuck there even with the extra provided info) and I just haven’t cared enough to change my rank on here so before you go on attacking me, be more professional. All the details given are accurate and the only thing missing was that I was IRR for the last year and I just returned. So let’s take the rank hat off for a minute and actually give helpful advice. Also you can sit in a slot that’s not your MOS, if you read to understand rather than respond, we would not be here rather I would have gained something from conversation. However I think I should have worded my question in a better way, AGR or Active duty Pro’s and con’s and go.
SGM Bill Frazer
SGM Bill Frazer
>1 y
Gee a smart E6- 1. You better keep the rank on. Know I read the question, it was badly worded and may very little sense. 2. You must ignore the constant flags about up grading your profile. 3. We do get trolls, liars and wannabe's on this site regularly. 4. Yes you can be slotted in a different MOS- but THAT does not EFFECT re-enlistment bonus. MOS Bonuses are done based on the service's projections of SM losses, needed strength and future plans of the service- so whatever MOS you are sitting in, is not the MOS that will control bonuses. With that out the way- AGR is limited AD most of the time 1-3 yrs, depending on the slot and circumstances- tho their are some who have spent longer. AD is just that active till your ETS. It's your decision- but in my mind- it would be better for you to stay IRR/AGR- they will cut you more slack than AD and apparently you need it.
CPT Timothy Hernandez
CPT Timothy Hernandez
>1 y
I was USAR, AGR then RA, listen to this SGM. Your response to him was VERY unprofessional. I would recommend you go AGR; additionally, you should go into recruiting as an AGR recruiter.

The hard work in that job will help mold you into a better NCO, and the slot is an E7 slot. So, provided you do well at your job and don’t step on your poncho with senior leaders, E7 is a given in that MOS.
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1LT G2 Operations Officer
AGR!! No question.
SGT(P) Financial Management Technician
SGT(P) (Join to see)
6 y
Thanks for the response, after research I agree as well.
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MAJ(P) Health Services Human Resources
Personally i would say active duty. Although the market is doing well, the benefits staying in or on active duty in my opinion outweigh the cons especially without a bonus. U can still knock out ur degree while on active duty also.
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