Posted on Sep 21, 2018
What is a better job for an E-5 to reclass to, 92Y or 42A?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
Ask your self do you want to do supply or admin? Both careers relate to civilian jobs. Supply chain management and Human Resources are functions of business used in civilian jobs. Ask yourself this how well are you at English grammar and writing? If a commander asked you to review and write memos could you accurately do it? Or would you rather manage equipment and money and tactical supply suck as resupply missions and supporting the war fighters with beans and bullets? My advice would be to talk to your 92Y and 42A. Ask them questions and see what they do. Write the pros and cons of both then make your decision
Depends on your end goal and lifestyle choice. Both are good, stable jobs that offer broadening assignments, a variety of locations, and have good promotion potential.

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From my experience it is much easier to move up into rank in the Quartermaster world when it comes to senior promotions. However it depends on you. Would you rather work human resources or logistics?
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