Posted on Sep 19, 2018
Trying to be stationed with or near my wife. I'm in the Army, she's in the Air Force. What can we do to make this happen?
Does anyone have any advice, tips, or guidance as to what I can do to get with my wife?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
Your branch manager and her career manager have to talk to each other. It's not like Married Army Couples Program where you're almost guaranteed to be stationed together. Plus the Air Force has a different cycle for assignments than the Army. You might be at your post 2-3 years before you can get close to each other. On top of that, she may have an air frame that isn't based near anything Army. In Japan one of my guys was married to an Air Force person. Because of the aircraft her MOS was assigned to, the closest they could get to being assigned together was if she was in Spokane, WA and he was in JBLM, WA which are opposite ends of a large state.
Both talk to your personnel section - and list the same places in the same order as your dream sheet. Other than that it’s the needs of the service. I’ve been a joint service spouse and you should always be prepared that you won’t get to be stationed near each other. It’s the needs of the service. The Air Force does give more latitude in some career fields to joint spouse but it’s still not a guarantee. I spent more time away from my spouse than with - even when stationed together. It can work - but don’t expect it.
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