Posted on Jan 18, 2014
Are Soldier's using tobacco (chewing/smoking) less today?
It appears to me that we as a military might have finally turned the corner with regards to tobacco use. I noticed the other day in my section, we received new SFC and she was the only smoker in our 12 person section. I remember when I entered the Army, I was the only non-smoker in an 8 man section! I just wanted to see what other people may have observed from their foxhole...
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 9
To me I am see it increase because of the electronic cigs. I see more soldiers smoking that now. Also I still see a lot of soldiers dipping too.
1SG (Join to see)
I haven't seen any Soldiers use the electronic cigs as of yet, but I actually saw a decrease in the dipping when I was at Ft Hood. It may have just been the unit I was in, as right now I'm in Kuwait and there seems to be more dipping than smoking.
MSG(P) Thomas Finn
Sir, I see some use and agree on the side of caution until otherwised proved plus I am thinking it will only lead to worse habits. Nip this in the bud...haha
I agree but as far as tobacco users go. I think its based upon your area and job! When I was in artillery we had way more tobacco users then in signal. Maybe its cause the stress level of the job; but as a non tobacco user I don't think its fair to many unnecessary breaks for smokers!
1SG (Join to see)
I agree with you on the breaks, that's why I don't give smokers any additional time. I respect it's a personal decision to smoke, which means use your personal time to do it.
SSG Oliver Mathews
As a newly non smoker (i quit a few months ago) i can see everyone's issue with a Smoke break. That being said i have never been in any briefing/class/work detail that soldiers (at the time me) was given a "Special" smoke break. It was normally everyone would be given a break or no one.
Or you would get the soldier that would walk up and ask if he could go smoke and "take a break". As a non-smoker have you ever walked out with them just to shoot the breeze? and been told that if your not smoking get back inside and get to work? If so then the issue is not with the soldier smoking its with the leadership allowing special privileges for Smokers.
SFC Benavidez,
So you dont allow your soldiers to smoke while on duty?
As a newly non smoker (i quit a few months ago) i can see everyone's issue with a Smoke break. That being said i have never been in any briefing/class/work detail that soldiers (at the time me) was given a "Special" smoke break. It was normally everyone would be given a break or no one.
Or you would get the soldier that would walk up and ask if he could go smoke and "take a break". As a non-smoker have you ever walked out with them just to shoot the breeze? and been told that if your not smoking get back inside and get to work? If so then the issue is not with the soldier smoking its with the leadership allowing special privileges for Smokers.
SFC Benavidez,
So you dont allow your soldiers to smoke while on duty?
1SG (Join to see)
SGT Mathews, since I work in an office the answer is no I do not allow smoking since it is not allowed indoors. To be more clear, I afford all my Soldiers 3x 10 min breaks, 1 in the AM (between 0900 and 1130) and 2 in the PM (between 1300 and 1800). A Soldier can WHATEVER he/she chooses to do, within the limits of applicable rules, regs, orders, laws, etc...obviously no alcoholic drinking is allowed on duty. To further clarify, I have been in units where "smokers" were able to take a smoke whenever they felt like it and took as long as they needed. Yes that was a failure in leadership at those units. I also saw non-smokers denied the break time due to the leadership's opinion there hadn't been any hard work done to deserve to just stop for a break. To remove any type of influence in my decision making process, I instituted the above policy, which falls closely in line with what many civilian companies have on break policies. Breaks are good, especially in my MOS, they are time to push back from the desk and clear your mind. But I digress, as this post was just asking others if they noticed a decrease in the number of personnel who use tobacco products, not a debate about whether we allow Soldiers to smoke on duty.
SPC Dave St.Andrew
1SG (Join to see), You might want to call your JAG office and see what the regs are on smoking breaks. A CSM in another battalion tried to limit smoking breaks and got shot down, I believe it might be one break every 2 hours or something like that.
Show me an infantry battalion, and I'll show you there is no such thing as tobacco cessation. :)
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