Posted on Jan 1, 2015
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Veterans bench dedication098a web
The fact that as you get older your faculties diminish and add to that problems like TBIs and Parkinson's Disease makes comprehension tedious. As well, if you have an anxiety disorder makes communicating much more difficult.

Now another thing that I have noticed is that some older veterans come online here and they are much older than I, whose opinions are more conservative than my own. You hear them and if you do not like what they are saying just back off.

We are all a product of our own generation and should be taken in that light. My one nephew is a pain in the butt and I told him I am going to live long enough to give him grief over what he says today and how younger people will rag on him. lol

What is your take? Do you listen or are you trying to teach an old dog new tricks?
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Responses: 34
LTC Yinon Weiss
Everybody should be treated with respect here, especially our elders. However, if somebody comes here and puts out information that is unprofessional, vile, ignorant, or bigoted, then I do not believe that they should treat age as an excuse against why people convey disapproval in their contributions.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
LTC Yinon Weiss I agree but my point is like CW2 (Join to see), said, that it is their opinion and while I do not agree with some of what is said, it is just an opinion.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
LTC Yinon Weiss Thank you! Everyone deserves respect and not just the respect to hear their views heard and then accuse people of discriminating against their age when they turn vile and violent to other members.
SGT Journeyman Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
SSgt (Join to see), I'm in complete agreement with LTC Yinon Weiss. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but people are not necessarily entitled to express said opinion. Age should not be an excuse to act inappropriately.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
10 y
...but is mental decline?
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MSgt Peter Castine
As a 60 year old veteran, I believe that respect is earned. It doesn't matter what your age. I respect anyone and everyone until they give me a reason not to. Our older vets have a wealth of experience to share in both the military life and civilian life. Treat them right, and they might share it with you!
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Almost 59 myself and agree.
SP5 Joel O'Brien
SP5 Joel O'Brien
>1 y
Being 64 myself(at this point in time), I couldn't agree more with the statement from MSgt Castine about respect being earned regardless of age. It appears to me most folks who post here on RP, regardless of age, have MUCH more military experience than my four years. Once in awhile a question or circumstance will appear here which I feel qualified to comment upon. If I feel my tidbit of knowledge might be of worth to the readers of this blog, I will offer it up for discussion. Here now is one opinion I wish to share. For many of our older Vets, take into consideration that their military service no doubt was the biggest event of their lives, outside of family occasions such as marriage/children/grandkids. Just think how different their lives would have been without that aspect of life. Just my two cents, what do you think?
LtCol Robert Quinter
LtCol Robert Quinter
>1 y
HMMM, I guess 72 years makes me one of the elders. All I ask is time to drink my prune juice before anyone jumps me!
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1SG Steven Stankovich
Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect on RallyPoint regardless of status, rank, etc. Opinions and points of view are exactly that, opinions and points of view. While I may not agree with what some say, that is their opinion or point of view and they are entitled to that. Agree to disagree and move on. No worries from this guy.
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