Posted on Dec 30, 2014
CPT Instructor
There is a disturbing trend I'm seeing across all Social Media, but I address it here as this is, as I understand it, meant to be a Professional atmosphere, and one in which, at the very least, we should aspire to being honest, transparent, and respectful.

That being said, the disturbing trend is the linking to stories that use intentionally inflammatory language in the headlines, often which misleads, misinforms, and on occasion outright lies.

If a news story is legitimate, I guarantee you will find it on a major news site as well, which doesn't feel the need to editorialize in the very title. Someone praying in public is not necessarily "Cramming Religion Down Your Throat." Someone wearing a burka is not "Forcing Sharia Law." Changing what you say during Winter Break isn't necessarily a "War on Christmas" and if a story says a group "Demands" or "Forces" something to happen, it better not mean they politely asked (or worse, had nothing to do with a decision another group made).

I enjoy intelligent discourse and debate, but when you slander, libel, and outright lie, you destroy all credibility you have for valid points. Check the source. Actually read the article you link others to. And finally, know what satire is and don't take it for truth.

Thank you for your service and your thoughts. Carry on.
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Responses: 19
SGT Ben Keen
Just take a look in the forums here, inflammatory headlines get more reaction from the reader. Post a thread asking was does a O1 out rank an E7 and you pull 100+ comments. Post a thread giving out good information and 5 people interact. It's the whole car wreck thing. 100s of people will slow down to look at a car wreck but only a handful would actually get out to help if needed.
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PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
One of the greatest men I've known in my life told me: "emotions will get you into trouble every damned time!" Newpapers, radio and now social media use emotionally charged headlines to gather interest in the article. In most cases individuals or corporations (read: news organizations owners) have an agenda they are pushing using the public media they have absolute control over. Thus, not even reading the entire article will one get ALL the CORRECT and UNVARNISHED truth. To add insult to injury, news organizations cite 'experts' with questionable and sometimes falsified background and experience - but the average man/woman on the street wouldn't know this without some honest research.

Yes, we all have emotions - but damn they tend to get in the way of common sense!
SP5 Michael Rathbun
SP5 Michael Rathbun
10 y
A question was once proposed to me by someone I consider to be wise both then and now: "If you are faced with an implacable and talented adversary, and by some magical stroke, to get your opponent to commit a serious blunder, you can cause him to be (1) drunk [alcohol], (2) stoned [cannabis] or (3) furiously angry [hormones and other internal agents], which would you choose?"

Eventually I was shown that the winner is (3).
CPT Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Can I choose all three?
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
Ain't greedy are we?
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SFC Mark Merino
CPT (Join to see) I present you with the highly coveted RallyPoint Commendation Medal for helping to maintain peace and sanity within the community. Thank you for input and words of truth. It is far better to post something meaningful and helpful for 5 members than to be remembered for having a thread that helped tear the community apart and cause constant grief. Respect!
CPT Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Fancy! Kinda looks like the NATO Service Medal. Thanks SFC.
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