Posted on Aug 22, 2018
SFC Ops Nco / Fa Master Gunner
I had a 1SG who is a friend of mine look over my DA Photo. He ended up taking it to his CSM for his input. Besides a couple minor issues that I missed (Irish pennants) there was one glaring issue he brought up. Due to the fact that I have such a small frame. I’m 6’ 145lbs my lapel covers my awards like crazy. Even with offset ribbon holders. And row 3rd award half covered 3rd row middle award half covered, 4th row 3rd award can’t be seen, etc. I have attached a photo of that for reference. I have been advised to help mitigate to switch to 4 awards per row but I have been unable to locate where to purchase a rack to accommodate. And I still believe I will continue to run into the same issue. Any advise or even a link to where I can look to fix this discrepancy would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Responses: 6
CPT Jim Schwebach
Edited 6 y ago
By displaying your awards in the four per row format you will be able to more fully display your ribbons but some will remain partially obscured but not completely hidden. In going to four per row you will be able to align your rack with the outer edge of the pocket flap. Based on your description you have 15 ribbons. Using the four ribbon rows the layout would be: Row 1 - four(The innermost partially obscured), Row 2, four(the innermost minimally obscured), Row 3 - three(The innermost partially obscured), Row 4 - two(the innermost minimally obscured)and Row 5 - two(the innermost minimally obscured). I'm 5"6" and wear the four ribbon row arrangement(on Greens) at 4,4,3,3,2,2,1. As for a mount that will allow this sort of rack, Vanguard makes a plastic mount that acommodates up to thirty or so ribbons in a four per row format. They are available at Hope this helps.
SFC Ops Nco / Fa Master Gunner
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
Thank you sir! This was exactly what I have been trying to find but haven’t had any luck. Again Many thanks!
SP5 Peter Keane
SP5 Peter Keane
6 y
DA Pam 670-1 22–6 : The first and second rows will contain the same number of ribbons (three or four) before starting a third row
CPT Jim Schwebach
CPT Jim Schwebach
6 y
SP5 Peter Keane - Oops, you are correct. Row 2 should read Four with no Row 6.
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1SG Jeremy Evans
I would see if the cleaners could adjust and re-press your lapel.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Can you offset the rack to be flush with the pocket?
SFC Ops Nco / Fa Master Gunner
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
Thank you sir. I had tried the offset with the pocket on a 3 wide rack and my OCD was kicking in, especially with referring to the refs stating that they will be centered above the pocket. Cpt Schwebach above provides a link with a 4 wide rack that will alleviate the issue. Thank you sir for your input.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
6 y
Good luck! Look badass!
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