Posted on Jan 16, 2014
Senate panel: Benghazi was preventable. What is your take on this situation?
State Department, military criticized for removing security earlier and not responding quickly enough
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 3
Nope, no one in the Neighborhood, It was at the consulate which have no security whatsoever which is why it was chosen great place for CIA to rub shoulders with the Locals. The closest asset would be COMSIXTHFLT and by the time they got there all would be said and done. Ambassador was acting as his own CIA Chief of Station, Left the Embassy where he had plenty of security with the Marine Security Detachment and went out with a few "Sheep Dipped" CIA Contractors. He knew what he was doing, went to meet some shaky folks and it turned south. You play the Intell Game, You know the risks if you get caught in a bad place.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
I suspect that Ambassador Stevens was doing the Groundwork for the Capture of this Terrorist and or arming folks that might be a little friendly to us and somebody leaked that he was in the neighborhood.
Rep Trey Gowdy was just named chair of the Select Committee on Benghazi. Maybe.. just MAYBE now we can get some answers... at least I hope so!
Yes, it was preventable. Unfortunately, none of us will know the whole truth of the situation. I believe it will be covered up.
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