Posted on Aug 16, 2018
Going to Ft. Leonard Wood for 12V, has anyone else gone through this AIT?
Long story short, I joined as a 31 year old last year and completed BCT at Ft. Jackson last November. I started the OCS program but hurt my shoulder on my last APFT, so couldn't go on. I am being sent to AIT now until I can start OCS again next summer.
Can someone tell me what AIT is like for 12V? What does the schedule look like? Are we in barracks? Some freedom on the weekends? It's short, so I just don't know what to expect. Any help is appreciated.
Can someone tell me what AIT is like for 12V? What does the schedule look like? Are we in barracks? Some freedom on the weekends? It's short, so I just don't know what to expect. Any help is appreciated.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Hands down best mos in the army dude you will pull the not my job card many times haha because this mos is on its way out.
From my experience in AIT there as a 12V, you’ll get shit on the entire time. You’ll be in the barracks with the 12N, and the NCOs there definitely cater to them. But it was only 4 weeks so it’s fine. They kept forgetting to update the roster so I only got 2 hour hygiene passes the entire time I was there. Actual course is fun, and nothing terribly intensive.
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