Posted on Jan 16, 2014
Field Grade Officer convicted of SA allowed continued service......
As we all know the Army has made a tremendous push towards the prevention, and dealings with sexual assault. Recently a LTC was convicted by way of court martial of sexual assault, and his punishment was 1500/ a month, for a year, a letter of reprimand, and restricted of movement for two months. Is it just me, or does this seem totally off base here. He wasn't even put into force retirement! What message are we sending to our troops now? How are past, present, and future victims of SA suppose to feel? How are Soldiers expected to work with or for this officer in the future? I must say I don't agree with everything the Army does, but I'll always support it. In this case, I simply can't, events like this is what keeps me from going INDEF. Am I alone on this one?<br>
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 13
BLUF: The more senior your rank and the more distinguished your service; the harder you should be punished because the better you knew and the more you let down the institution.
There is this long-standing trend in the military justice system that we take your service into consideration as a mitigating factor. Such as the fraudulent enlistment E-9 in Fort Bragg who got kicked out, used his brother's SSN, served 20-odd years, and is being retired as a SFC. Show me a PFC who lies about something that substantial in MEPS, I'm pretty sure there's no such rosy future.
The same goes for the former commander of AFRICOM who essentially embezzled tens of thousands of dollars worth of TDY money. The 2LT who takes the government travel card to the strip club for a cash advance is most likely going to be sent packing without a O-9 retirement check for life.
My favorite is still the rising star O-6 from the 173rd who had an affair with a foreign national, funded her family through government channels, married said lady by double-proxy (neither party present) in Montana, "divorced" his wife by forging a divorce decree and enrolled said new spouse in DEERS. Reduction to LTC, retirement, restitution payment of something shy half a million. I can't even imagine anyone who has not been selected by a DA centralized board having the clout for that kind of ridiculous skullduggery.
There is this long-standing trend in the military justice system that we take your service into consideration as a mitigating factor. Such as the fraudulent enlistment E-9 in Fort Bragg who got kicked out, used his brother's SSN, served 20-odd years, and is being retired as a SFC. Show me a PFC who lies about something that substantial in MEPS, I'm pretty sure there's no such rosy future.
The same goes for the former commander of AFRICOM who essentially embezzled tens of thousands of dollars worth of TDY money. The 2LT who takes the government travel card to the strip club for a cash advance is most likely going to be sent packing without a O-9 retirement check for life.
My favorite is still the rising star O-6 from the 173rd who had an affair with a foreign national, funded her family through government channels, married said lady by double-proxy (neither party present) in Montana, "divorced" his wife by forging a divorce decree and enrolled said new spouse in DEERS. Reduction to LTC, retirement, restitution payment of something shy half a million. I can't even imagine anyone who has not been selected by a DA centralized board having the clout for that kind of ridiculous skullduggery.
Here's my problem with that: It's so, so wrong. A GEN, a COL, a SGM, and a whole long list of other high-ranking offenders know better. They are supposed to be mature, have the responsibility to command troops in harm's way, and they more than know what they are doing is wrong on more than one level. We're putting kids barely old enough to shave out of the Army with a permanent black mark on their civilian record for making one bad decision. Then we turn around pay someone who abused rank, authority, and trust given to them by the American people in ways more heinous than I can believe and of a far worse impact than that kid whose life we permanently impacted in a bad way.
Honestly, if you are retiring because of a GOMR and a relief for cause NCOER for consistent SHARP violations throughout your command time; there should be no LOM for a retirement award. An ARCOM is almost too good at that point; people can actually earn that one with valor.
Honestly, if you are retiring because of a GOMR and a relief for cause NCOER for consistent SHARP violations throughout your command time; there should be no LOM for a retirement award. An ARCOM is almost too good at that point; people can actually earn that one with valor.
CPT Robert Skinner
SSG Beutler,
I have been preaching this on these threads and on Army times threads for years now, I thought that was what the Army taught me. Thanks for your excellent reply.
I have been preaching this on these threads and on Army times threads for years now, I thought that was what the Army taught me. Thanks for your excellent reply.
I've watched closely all these stories that have been mentioned, but this one takes the cake. I can NOT get over how he is allowed continued service, it's a DIRECT slap in the face of every leader, and Soldier. I'm slowly losing hope in the very force that only 8 years ago gave me a chance at being successful. This is a shame.
Let's not forget the General at Bragg convicted of Sexual Harassment of a subordinate downrange. I was there when the Trial was going on and he was forced to Retire at a lower rank (a COL) but got full Retirement benefits and NO CONFINEMENT!!!!!!! When Leaders appear to have full impunity where no real consequences are given, then the Military ceases to be a Professional organization. When standards are not enforced, then a new standard is created.
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