Posted on Aug 13, 2018
What is the standard MEPS process and timeline associated with a conditional release to go from active Army to NG?
So, just recently my conditional release was completely approved to go active from national guard. I was also told I was going to meps last week but then projected to go to meps this week. Now, the recruiter is saying that they are waiting on the meps process. Can anyone possibly inform me of what is going on?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
So if I had to hazard a guess you are waiting for a BOMOP to be completed so you can process without medical action at the MEPS. While it can be done rather quickly sometimes it can take a bit. Be patient once it’s done you’ll hopefully have an easy day at the MEPS
SPC (Join to see)
MSG Wesemann so I'm all squared away for active duty. The problem I have now is the 368 form that was brought to MEPS is a older version of a 368 form I bealive. So they have to get the updated version. My recruiter is going Monday to go up to battalion to get the new 368 form signed but is there is a new soldier over battalion. So not sure how that will work exactly. That or email that form to my S1 to send up to battalion. My recruiter said he will get me in for next week. I'm just honestly worried about how all this will work out.
My husband is in a similar situation except he is going Reserves to Active. He's been waiting to go to MEPS for 3 weeks now. Recruiter says it's the fingerprints that is holding him up, which I find hard to believe since he's already in the system... but fingers crossed he'll go this coming week. So tired of waiting!
PFC (Join to see)
Mrs. James, I’m currently starting the conditional release like your spouse. Can you give an update on what was happening at Meps and anything after that process wise. I started the paperwork and just want to know more. Retention didn’t leave me with elicit details on how it’s going to go. Has y’all processed and started the journey to heading to you guy’s first duty station?
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