Posted on Aug 10, 2018
What does an RE CODE of n/a mean for re-enlistment?
I was honorably discharged from the CG with a re-code "n/a", spd JNC - unnacceptable conduct due to a one-time frat incident. My record was spotless before and after that incident sixteen years ago. I've had steady employment since then with the same company. What does a re code of "N/A: mean? Any chances on joining the guard or reserves? Thanks for your help.
I was honorably discharged from the CG with a re-code "n/a", spd JNC - unnacceptable conduct due to a one-time frat incident. My record was spotless before and after that incident sixteen years ago. I've had steady employment since then with the same company. What does a re code of "N/A: mean? Any chances on joining the guard or reserves? Thanks for your help.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
If you refer to CGPSCINST 1900.1 all officers that get out automatically get an N/A in the RE block of your DD-214. I think it is because you were not enlisted. I will attach a copy of the instruction. its on page 21, paragraph rr.
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RP is a good resource, but no answer you get here will be as good as marching yourself down to a recruiter's office and asking them.
LTJG (Join to see)
Gotcha - definitely plan on doing that. not sure if anyone has or had the same experience.
NA is guvment slang for Not Applicable. That way, all questions on a form have an answer.
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