Posted on Aug 8, 2018
Do years in service in the Reserves count towards years in service on active duty in terms of pay?
So I went from the reserves to active duty and had almost 3 years of time in service in the reserves. But when I went on active duty, mypay shows that I have 0 years in service which pretty much lowered the amount of pay I should be getting overall. So does reserves time in service not count when switching to active duty in mypay? Or is this something I should go try to fix? Thanks in advance!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
You are getting ripped off. My LES shows that I have 20 years of service. Of those 20, only 4 were active duty. I am currently on active duty orders and am getting paid as a E-8 with over 20 years. So you should be getting credit for your reserve time.
Yes, your Reserve time counts as Time In Service. It should be counted from the day you sign the contract. OTOH, switching to Active Duty will generally reset your Date of Rank. Yes, you need to fix it. All it should take is a copy of your original contract or your dd214 from the Reserves. Or an NGB22 if you were National Guard.
If you were Guard, be aware that the NGB system and HRC system don't talk to each other, so you need to get copies of everything from the Guard side, including quals and retirement points and make sure they are listed on your current record.
If you were Guard, be aware that the NGB system and HRC system don't talk to each other, so you need to get copies of everything from the Guard side, including quals and retirement points and make sure they are listed on your current record.
MAJ (Join to see)
What reg is this in? My son switched from army reserve to active duty. They are now saying that they will count his drill days and thst will be his time in Service
CPT Lawrence Cable
MAJ (Join to see) - Whoever they are are incorrect. You can did this stuff out at People get confused about this stuff. He should get credit for TIS for pay for all his reserve years. It does not count the same for retirement. He can get credit for any active duty time, including IET and AT, plus and Federal deployments. What makes it even more confusing is that all his points count toward retirement pay. And to confuse it even more, if he retired in the reserves and tranferred to the Retired Reserve, his TIS for pay continues until he reaches age 60.

Military Pay and Benefits Website sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Yes your TIS (Time in Service) which is what pay goes off should be 3 years. As long as you were on contract that counts doesn't matter if it is Active, Reserve, IRR you still get that for TIS now your retirement pay will be totally different but TIS would be 3.
I have 8 years active 2 years in IRR and 7 reserve my LES reflects 17 years which is proper. This is something you defiantly need to go fix. Just like your PEBD should be the same date that you shipped to BCT or first day serving which mine shows AUG 22 2001.
If I was you I would defiantly go get your records fixed you should receive back pay also.
I have 8 years active 2 years in IRR and 7 reserve my LES reflects 17 years which is proper. This is something you defiantly need to go fix. Just like your PEBD should be the same date that you shipped to BCT or first day serving which mine shows AUG 22 2001.
If I was you I would defiantly go get your records fixed you should receive back pay also.
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