Posted on Aug 4, 2018
Should I have received a reenlistment bonus when I reclassified to 14E?
I switched from reserves to active back in may. Reclassed to 14E as a SSG. Seems every active prior service soldier I run into received a bonus to switch into 14 series. Should I have received one? Or because I came from reserves to active it doesn't apply?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
It just comes down to what is offered at that moment. It's not like reenlistment bonuses where they are published and everyone is affected equally. USAREC uses their bonuses in some unknown way that I haven't figured out yet. I was also a prior service returnee who came back during the surge years. Everyone I talked to in my AIT received $26,000-40,000 and I received nothing. I think it's because I was only willing to accept 68W and it wasn't offered.
SFC (Join to see)
If there was one available you would have gotten it. No if and or butts about it. It a legality issue not a withholding issue
SFC (Join to see)
I do contracts at MEPS and trust me if I don’t give an entitled bonus my career is on the line.
You should have signed a document stating that you are receiving a bonus to reclass, if your Career Counselor didn't explain this and/or you didn't sign a form stating you are reclassing only for a bonus, then you do not automatically get one.
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