Posted on Jul 31, 2018
What are the chances of prior service reclassing?
I am a prior service E4 91M. I am in the process of reenlisting currently and will be going to MEPS soon. Recruiter told me I just have to talk to career counselor at the end of meps to see if anything is available as an in demand job. My MOS is currently balanced for E4 and below. Has anyone gone through this? I feel like they are going to make me keep my PMOS.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
The Army uses prior service business rules to determine what mos you are offered. Just because you are MOS qualified and your MOS is on the business rules, doesn’t mean that you can’t reclass. Ask your GC at MEPS to see what is available. Check b. Below to see what is possible. It also depends on tis. More or less than 48 mo.
a. Vacancies by grade and MOS (changes based on the needs of the Army):
(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 - all Army MOSs are eligible for enlistment with the exception of the following: 09L, 12K, 13T, 15J, 15P, 15S, 25C, 35Q, 92M, 92S, 94Y, or 35P (with language code HE, PG, SC, TH, or UR).
b. If no vacancy exists, the following MOS will be used for retraining (changes based on the needs of the Army):
(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 - 13D, 13F, 13M, 13P, 14E, 14G, 14H, 15E, 15W, 18X, 19D, 19K, 35G, 35T, 68C, 88M, or 92F.
c. The following vacancies by grade and MOS are available if already Airborne qualified:
(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 - 11B, 11C, 12B, 13B, 13F, 15W, 19D, 25B, 25N, 25Q, 25S, 25U, 35F, 35G, 35M, 42A, 68W, 88M, 91B, 91D, 92A, 92F, 92G, 92R, 92Y. Those who are not MOS qualified are authorized Option 3 Training into one of these MOS's.
d. Applicants in the grade of E-4 and below with 48 months or less AFS are authorized to enlist Option 3 (Training of Choice) or Option 18 (First Assignment Only) (if MOS qualified) to serve in a targeted MOS as identified by the ROC. Applicants in the grade of E-4 and below with more than 48 months AFS are required to meet all other PS parameters outlined in this message.
a. Vacancies by grade and MOS (changes based on the needs of the Army):
(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 - all Army MOSs are eligible for enlistment with the exception of the following: 09L, 12K, 13T, 15J, 15P, 15S, 25C, 35Q, 92M, 92S, 94Y, or 35P (with language code HE, PG, SC, TH, or UR).
b. If no vacancy exists, the following MOS will be used for retraining (changes based on the needs of the Army):
(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 - 13D, 13F, 13M, 13P, 14E, 14G, 14H, 15E, 15W, 18X, 19D, 19K, 35G, 35T, 68C, 88M, or 92F.
c. The following vacancies by grade and MOS are available if already Airborne qualified:
(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 - 11B, 11C, 12B, 13B, 13F, 15W, 19D, 25B, 25N, 25Q, 25S, 25U, 35F, 35G, 35M, 42A, 68W, 88M, 91B, 91D, 92A, 92F, 92G, 92R, 92Y. Those who are not MOS qualified are authorized Option 3 Training into one of these MOS's.
d. Applicants in the grade of E-4 and below with 48 months or less AFS are authorized to enlist Option 3 (Training of Choice) or Option 18 (First Assignment Only) (if MOS qualified) to serve in a targeted MOS as identified by the ROC. Applicants in the grade of E-4 and below with more than 48 months AFS are required to meet all other PS parameters outlined in this message.
If you aren’t interested in being a 91M then don’t take it. Have some reasonable choices in mind (check MOS’ that are understrength) and be willing to walk if they aren’t giving you any options. You have slightly more wiggle room as E5 is where they got more strict with the business rules.
SSG (Join to see)
I went from Navy to Army as an NCO, initially all they offered me was infantry, when I told the career counselor at MEPS I was willing to walk he gave me quite a few choices. Ironically I chose 91M haha but I’m dropping my G2G packet.
go to "" and look and see what jobs are paying bonuses. That should give you a good idea. Do some research and push the recruiter for open career fields. You already know that they need to fill certain jobs first. As many people that are getting out, I cannot imagine them letting you go, so put on your poker face and be a little demanding (not obnoxious), just don't be a pushover. They can make things happen. Second time around you know the game and can work them to get the field you want.
SFC (Join to see)
Poker face doesn’t work. I am a guidance counselor and will let any applicant walk if they aren’t willing to take what’s offered.
SFC (Join to see)
If you don't like what the "Army" is offering go look at the other services and get treated better. The army likes to treat people like garbage and do the "take it or leave it" approach. There are a of options out there and many are better in the long term. Do Not let them dictate to you what you need to do. The Army is hurting for personnel and if they let you walk, not your problem. There are 5 services, someone will help. Go reserve or guard and then go AGR. Same benefits, same training. Take care of YOU not the ARMY
SFC (Join to see)
Army isn’t hurting enough to cater to PS. they are bottom of barrel when it comes to options.
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