Posted on Jan 15, 2014
What can we learn from Foreign Military Forces?
We've had posts on here about service/branch comparisons. As our military is drawn down, we'll probably see an increase in coalition support. Our operations won't just be "Joint", they'll be "Combined" as well. What do you admire about our allies/partners and others? Simply put, what do you think we could learn from foreign forces? Try to take this from first-hand experience.
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 2
SFC Callan - My unit works with counterintelligence agents from across NATO on a daily basis. In my experience with regards to running training events for them prior to deployments is to always keep an open mind. Our Allies do some things different that we do. Some of those things are done more streamlined that us and we should take note of that. Never stay close-minded when it comes to lessons learned from our Allies. I have learned a lot with regards to how different nations run their own pre-deployment training. I think that working with our Allies in the years to come will do nothing but strengthen the bond between nations and warriors, but also strengthen our own units internally through learning different ways of completing missions.
The British military has perfected the art of continuity. Once you train someone to fly a plane, drive a tank, or other equally technical task...odds are, they will stay in that job for a LONG time. Basically, the opposite of what the US does with our officers.
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