Posted on Jul 22, 2018
I'm currently serving as an Executive Officer for a Brigade Signal Company. Would anyone be willing to share an OER template?
In addition would anyone have any products such as living documents, trackers and SOPs required by role ?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
This is an Operations Template @battalion level but the info is pretty much the same.
1.Signal Annex Format. The format for the signal annex is illustrated in Figure 3-1. The format for the annex follows the standard five-paragraph format prescribed for an OPLAN or OPORD. The following is a brief description of each of the five paragraph.a.
Paragraph 1 - Situation. This paragraph contains information on enemy forces, friendly forces and any attachments to the unit. Information on enemy forces is normally obtained from the intelligence annex prepared by the division G2. The signal officer notes any jamming or communications-electronics systems that may impact on the signal support provided to the unit. Under friendly forces, signal units from higher headquarters (HQ) are annotated (such as elements of the division signal battalion providing Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) access to the air defense battalion).b.
Paragraph 2 - Mission. This is a clear, concise statement of the signal support to be provided to support the commander's concept of operation for the unit.c.
Paragraph 3 - Execution. In this paragraph, all radio nets to be established to support the unit's mission (to include both internal and external radio nets) should be identified. Messenger service(schedules/routes) and telephone procedures should also be included. Diagrams, map overlays, and telephone directories may be included as an appendix to the signal support annex to clarify or illustrate the types of signal support available during the conduct of the unit's mission.d. Paragraph 4 - Service Support. This paragraph contains information about direct support maintenance of signal and communications security (COMSEC) equipment. Information about direct support maintenance is normally found in the service support annex of the division OPORD.e.
Paragraph 5 - Command and Signal. This paragraph contains, as a minimum, the location of the battalion command post (CP), the index, and the issue number of the signal operation instructions(SOI) in effect. In addition, any special instructions elating to communications operations, such as instructions on radio silence and operating under conditions of jamming, should be included in this paragraph.2.Signal Support Planning Considerations.To ensure that continuous and satisfactory communications are provided, the signal officer in an air defense battalion must know the general planning considerations for single-channel radio, wire, and multi-channel communications.a. Single-channel radio is the primary communications means an air defense battalion uses to provide internal command and control of the unit. To plan properly, the signal officer must understand single-channel radio techniques and operating characteristics, which radios are compatible, what security equipment will work with each radio type, and antennas and their characteristics. Planning considerations for single-channel radio operations are enforced by the XO through the senior communications NCO.
1.Signal Annex Format. The format for the signal annex is illustrated in Figure 3-1. The format for the annex follows the standard five-paragraph format prescribed for an OPLAN or OPORD. The following is a brief description of each of the five paragraph.a.
Paragraph 1 - Situation. This paragraph contains information on enemy forces, friendly forces and any attachments to the unit. Information on enemy forces is normally obtained from the intelligence annex prepared by the division G2. The signal officer notes any jamming or communications-electronics systems that may impact on the signal support provided to the unit. Under friendly forces, signal units from higher headquarters (HQ) are annotated (such as elements of the division signal battalion providing Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) access to the air defense battalion).b.
Paragraph 2 - Mission. This is a clear, concise statement of the signal support to be provided to support the commander's concept of operation for the unit.c.
Paragraph 3 - Execution. In this paragraph, all radio nets to be established to support the unit's mission (to include both internal and external radio nets) should be identified. Messenger service(schedules/routes) and telephone procedures should also be included. Diagrams, map overlays, and telephone directories may be included as an appendix to the signal support annex to clarify or illustrate the types of signal support available during the conduct of the unit's mission.d. Paragraph 4 - Service Support. This paragraph contains information about direct support maintenance of signal and communications security (COMSEC) equipment. Information about direct support maintenance is normally found in the service support annex of the division OPORD.e.
Paragraph 5 - Command and Signal. This paragraph contains, as a minimum, the location of the battalion command post (CP), the index, and the issue number of the signal operation instructions(SOI) in effect. In addition, any special instructions elating to communications operations, such as instructions on radio silence and operating under conditions of jamming, should be included in this paragraph.2.Signal Support Planning Considerations.To ensure that continuous and satisfactory communications are provided, the signal officer in an air defense battalion must know the general planning considerations for single-channel radio, wire, and multi-channel communications.a. Single-channel radio is the primary communications means an air defense battalion uses to provide internal command and control of the unit. To plan properly, the signal officer must understand single-channel radio techniques and operating characteristics, which radios are compatible, what security equipment will work with each radio type, and antennas and their characteristics. Planning considerations for single-channel radio operations are enforced by the XO through the senior communications NCO.
What are you looking for? An example of an OER Write up for an annual OER? Have you completed an OER Support Form? I was an XO for an HHC of a Brigade. I be happy to share some tips on OER write ups and what they should say to make you competitive for promotion later to CPT. Feel free to email me at [login to see]
CPT (Join to see)
It's my first OER Sir. I would like to come correct on how to properly type appropriate "verbage" on the sections.
CPT (Join to see) - Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I had to computer translate the document from DOS 1.0 Word to a more modern format.
Many years ago, I assisted in standing up (from scratch) a 9 company Engineer Battalion. One of the many hat's I was given to wear was the HQs XO. A Major was passing through and heard I was struggling.
He dropped by and he gave me good advice.
That night he wrote this up for me. It later became the basic template for the old ATTP 5-0.1, which in turn has been superseded by FM 6.0.
You can also look up resources on Signal Company Operations. The XO descriptions of duties in those are less 'measured', easier to read and understand.
Good Luck and I hope you can pull some OER bullets out of this Guide...
1. Provides relevant information (RI) to the brigade commander on the progress of operations in relation to the unit’s common operational picture, specifically on:
+ Capabilities, limitations, requirements, availability, and employment of resources.
+ Capabilities, limitations, and employment of supporting forces.
+ Directives and policy guidance from higher headquarters.
2. Make recommendations regarding the Commander’s Command Policy.
+ As regards the unit’s force capabilities, limitations, and employment.
+ Policies and procedures to enhance force capabilities.
+ Priorities for employment, distribution, and support.
+ Acceptable risk and risk management.
+ Organization for combat, resource allocations, command and support relationships.
+ Resource allocation, employment synchronization of organic and supporting assets (including those of other Services).
+ General unit locations and movements in tactical areas.
3. Assist in the preparation and issue plans/orders to execute the commander’s decisions, coordinating all necessary details.
+ Formulating the concepts of operations and support per the commander's intent.
+ Identifying specified and implied tasks needed to accomplish the mission.
+ Developing a concept of operations to support each COA.
+ Adjusting plans and orders based on feedback.
+ Identifying constraints.
4. Assist their commander by Ensuring that subordinates execute their decision.
+ Monitoring the execution of instructions, plans, and orders.
+ Ensuring subordinate and supporting units accomplish assigned tasks.
5. Manages Unit Information
+ Collects, processes, stores, displays, and disseminates information that flows continuously to the commander outside of unit tactical net and chain of command.
+ Monitors operations and maintains current COP-related information.
+ Analyzes factors influencing unit operations, identifies problems and solutions.
+ Reviews reports from subordinates consistent with the commander's need for information.
6. Supervision over Reports, report activities and unit personnel assigned or selected to/for:
+ Submitting information, intelligence requirements and reports.
+ Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information.
+ Participating in intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB
+ Supervising the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) planning for the commander.
+ Supervising the execution of ISR operations, for the commander as integrated by the G-3 (S-3), synchronized by the G-2 (S-2).
+ Providing risk assessment input to the G-3 (S-3).
+ Reporting information of interest to the historian.
+ Monitoring compliance with operations security (OPSEC) directives and procedures.
+ Identifying host-nation (HN) requirements and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on integrating HN assets.
+ Assessing/reporting MOS shortfalls and personnel readiness issues to the G-1/AG (S-1).
+ Determining workload requirements and assessing status of the unit.
+ Evaluating the effectiveness of support.
+ Identifying requirements for additional units, personnel, equipment, or support.
+ Determining and planning training requirements for the entire force.
+ Determining requirements for forces/equipment based on the commander's priorities/subordinate imput.
+ Determining the adequacy of priorities for employing the unit’s elements.
+ Performing review/analysis to determine/enhance unit effectiveness to support operations/achieve objectives.
+ Analyzing operational effects on the environment/assessing its status.
7. Staff Coordination
+ Makes certain that staff actions and subordinate unit operations fit together in an integrated whole to achieve a unified effort for #6 above using unit or other brigade assets and staff coordinators.
+ Assesses training requirements within the unit.
+ Supervises treatment/disposition of enemy defectors/enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), civilian internees, and detainees as determined by the G-5, at the unit commander’s orders.
8. Exercises oversight by performing the following tasks that affect the commander’s intent:
+ Performs supervision of unit activities and any units assigned, attached, or under the operational control (OPCON) of the command, to ensure adequate.
+ Monitors the maintenance, personnel, and equipment status, and advises the commander and coordinates with the higher element’s staff.
+ Organizes and supervises sub-element leaders to ensure the commanders intent and polices are being most effectively utilized.
8. Specific Duties for the Executive Officer
+Supervising all tasks assigned to the staff.
+Directing the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers.
+Integrating and synchronizing plans and orders.
+Supervising management of the CCIR.
+Establishing, managing, and enforcing the planning time line (per the commander's guidance).
+Supervising the targeting and other cross-FLOT (forward line of own troops) planning cells.
+Integrating fratricide countermeasures into plans and orders.
+Determining liaison requirements, establishing liaison information exchange requirements, and receiving liaison teams.
+Directly supervising the main command post (CP) and headquarters cell, including, displacement, protection, security, and communications.
+Monitoring the unit’s discipline, morale, and operational readiness.
+Coordinating unit training and ensures the conduct of unit training is supported.
+Ensuring the unit work conforms to the mission, commander's guidance, and time available.
+Ensuring the unit integrates and coordinates its activities internally and with higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands.
+Ensuring all HQ sections participate in and provide functional expertise to IPB.
+Informing the commander and subordinate unit Chain of Information NCOs about new missions, instructions, and developments.
+Directing and supervising unit planning.
+Supervising ISR integration.
+Ensuring the HQ elements render assistance to subordinate commanders and staffs.
+Integrating risk management across the unit throughout the operations process.
+Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to subordinate leaders, and subordinate units, and verifying their execution.
+Exercising coordinating responsibility for Unit Leaders and Liaison.
9. Description of the Executive Officer
The executive officer (XO) is the commander's principal assistant for directing, coordinating, supervising, and training the staff, except in areas the commander reserves. The commander normally delegates executive management authority to the XO. The XO frees the commander from routine details of operations and passes pertinent data, information, and insight from the unit to the commander and from the commander to the unit in areas not related to the direct chain of command. ‘Chain of Information’ NCOs inform the XO of any recommendations or information they pass directly to the commander, and of instructions they receive directly from the commander.
The value of a close relationship between the commander and XO cannot be overstated. During operations, the XO must anticipate events and share a near-identical visualization of operations, events, and requirements. The XO must understand the commander's intent at least as well as subordinate commanders. An effective XO understands the commander's personality, style, and instincts as they affect the commander's intentions.
The XO helps the commander prepare subordinate units for future employment. The XO monitors their combat readiness status and directs actions to posture subordinate units. Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the XO temporary command of a portion of the force. Examples of these situations include deployments, retrograde operations, obstacle crossings, and when the commander and deputy or assistant commanders are unable to command.
The XO ensures the information element of combat power is integrated into operations per the commander's intent and concept of operations. The Company’s XO ensures the HQs sub-element’s personnel assist the XO with information operations (IO) responsibilities.
The XO must be ready to assume command during the absences of the unit Commander, while keeping focus on the Commander's Intent until his return.
Many years ago, I assisted in standing up (from scratch) a 9 company Engineer Battalion. One of the many hat's I was given to wear was the HQs XO. A Major was passing through and heard I was struggling.
He dropped by and he gave me good advice.
That night he wrote this up for me. It later became the basic template for the old ATTP 5-0.1, which in turn has been superseded by FM 6.0.
You can also look up resources on Signal Company Operations. The XO descriptions of duties in those are less 'measured', easier to read and understand.
Good Luck and I hope you can pull some OER bullets out of this Guide...
1. Provides relevant information (RI) to the brigade commander on the progress of operations in relation to the unit’s common operational picture, specifically on:
+ Capabilities, limitations, requirements, availability, and employment of resources.
+ Capabilities, limitations, and employment of supporting forces.
+ Directives and policy guidance from higher headquarters.
2. Make recommendations regarding the Commander’s Command Policy.
+ As regards the unit’s force capabilities, limitations, and employment.
+ Policies and procedures to enhance force capabilities.
+ Priorities for employment, distribution, and support.
+ Acceptable risk and risk management.
+ Organization for combat, resource allocations, command and support relationships.
+ Resource allocation, employment synchronization of organic and supporting assets (including those of other Services).
+ General unit locations and movements in tactical areas.
3. Assist in the preparation and issue plans/orders to execute the commander’s decisions, coordinating all necessary details.
+ Formulating the concepts of operations and support per the commander's intent.
+ Identifying specified and implied tasks needed to accomplish the mission.
+ Developing a concept of operations to support each COA.
+ Adjusting plans and orders based on feedback.
+ Identifying constraints.
4. Assist their commander by Ensuring that subordinates execute their decision.
+ Monitoring the execution of instructions, plans, and orders.
+ Ensuring subordinate and supporting units accomplish assigned tasks.
5. Manages Unit Information
+ Collects, processes, stores, displays, and disseminates information that flows continuously to the commander outside of unit tactical net and chain of command.
+ Monitors operations and maintains current COP-related information.
+ Analyzes factors influencing unit operations, identifies problems and solutions.
+ Reviews reports from subordinates consistent with the commander's need for information.
6. Supervision over Reports, report activities and unit personnel assigned or selected to/for:
+ Submitting information, intelligence requirements and reports.
+ Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information.
+ Participating in intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB
+ Supervising the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) planning for the commander.
+ Supervising the execution of ISR operations, for the commander as integrated by the G-3 (S-3), synchronized by the G-2 (S-2).
+ Providing risk assessment input to the G-3 (S-3).
+ Reporting information of interest to the historian.
+ Monitoring compliance with operations security (OPSEC) directives and procedures.
+ Identifying host-nation (HN) requirements and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on integrating HN assets.
+ Assessing/reporting MOS shortfalls and personnel readiness issues to the G-1/AG (S-1).
+ Determining workload requirements and assessing status of the unit.
+ Evaluating the effectiveness of support.
+ Identifying requirements for additional units, personnel, equipment, or support.
+ Determining and planning training requirements for the entire force.
+ Determining requirements for forces/equipment based on the commander's priorities/subordinate imput.
+ Determining the adequacy of priorities for employing the unit’s elements.
+ Performing review/analysis to determine/enhance unit effectiveness to support operations/achieve objectives.
+ Analyzing operational effects on the environment/assessing its status.
7. Staff Coordination
+ Makes certain that staff actions and subordinate unit operations fit together in an integrated whole to achieve a unified effort for #6 above using unit or other brigade assets and staff coordinators.
+ Assesses training requirements within the unit.
+ Supervises treatment/disposition of enemy defectors/enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), civilian internees, and detainees as determined by the G-5, at the unit commander’s orders.
8. Exercises oversight by performing the following tasks that affect the commander’s intent:
+ Performs supervision of unit activities and any units assigned, attached, or under the operational control (OPCON) of the command, to ensure adequate.
+ Monitors the maintenance, personnel, and equipment status, and advises the commander and coordinates with the higher element’s staff.
+ Organizes and supervises sub-element leaders to ensure the commanders intent and polices are being most effectively utilized.
8. Specific Duties for the Executive Officer
+Supervising all tasks assigned to the staff.
+Directing the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers.
+Integrating and synchronizing plans and orders.
+Supervising management of the CCIR.
+Establishing, managing, and enforcing the planning time line (per the commander's guidance).
+Supervising the targeting and other cross-FLOT (forward line of own troops) planning cells.
+Integrating fratricide countermeasures into plans and orders.
+Determining liaison requirements, establishing liaison information exchange requirements, and receiving liaison teams.
+Directly supervising the main command post (CP) and headquarters cell, including, displacement, protection, security, and communications.
+Monitoring the unit’s discipline, morale, and operational readiness.
+Coordinating unit training and ensures the conduct of unit training is supported.
+Ensuring the unit work conforms to the mission, commander's guidance, and time available.
+Ensuring the unit integrates and coordinates its activities internally and with higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands.
+Ensuring all HQ sections participate in and provide functional expertise to IPB.
+Informing the commander and subordinate unit Chain of Information NCOs about new missions, instructions, and developments.
+Directing and supervising unit planning.
+Supervising ISR integration.
+Ensuring the HQ elements render assistance to subordinate commanders and staffs.
+Integrating risk management across the unit throughout the operations process.
+Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to subordinate leaders, and subordinate units, and verifying their execution.
+Exercising coordinating responsibility for Unit Leaders and Liaison.
9. Description of the Executive Officer
The executive officer (XO) is the commander's principal assistant for directing, coordinating, supervising, and training the staff, except in areas the commander reserves. The commander normally delegates executive management authority to the XO. The XO frees the commander from routine details of operations and passes pertinent data, information, and insight from the unit to the commander and from the commander to the unit in areas not related to the direct chain of command. ‘Chain of Information’ NCOs inform the XO of any recommendations or information they pass directly to the commander, and of instructions they receive directly from the commander.
The value of a close relationship between the commander and XO cannot be overstated. During operations, the XO must anticipate events and share a near-identical visualization of operations, events, and requirements. The XO must understand the commander's intent at least as well as subordinate commanders. An effective XO understands the commander's personality, style, and instincts as they affect the commander's intentions.
The XO helps the commander prepare subordinate units for future employment. The XO monitors their combat readiness status and directs actions to posture subordinate units. Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the XO temporary command of a portion of the force. Examples of these situations include deployments, retrograde operations, obstacle crossings, and when the commander and deputy or assistant commanders are unable to command.
The XO ensures the information element of combat power is integrated into operations per the commander's intent and concept of operations. The Company’s XO ensures the HQs sub-element’s personnel assist the XO with information operations (IO) responsibilities.
The XO must be ready to assume command during the absences of the unit Commander, while keeping focus on the Commander's Intent until his return.
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