Posted on Jul 19, 2018
PCSing to 225th BSB, Schofield Barracks, HI. Anyone have any info about this unit? Personal experiences? Pros/Cons?
Online webpages can sound good but I know its not all that accurate..?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Considering this was posted 9 months ago, in theory you should already be in the unit...but if not, feel free to contact me! I’m a medic assigned to 225 BSB and have been here for about a year and a half.
Posted 1 m ago
Do you use Reddit? There is a pretty helpful (for the most part) Army community there and there's a high chance you'll get a decent answer - I highly suggest creating an account and using this resource often!
Do you use Reddit? There is a pretty helpful (for the most part) Army community there and there's a high chance you'll get a decent answer - I highly suggest creating an account and using this resource often!

r/army: United States Army on Reddit
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