Posted on Jul 19, 2018
What MOS could I get when transferring from IRR to Active Duty?
I've been talking to a recruiter about going from IRR to Active Duty Army. He made it sound like he didn't know what MOS would be available to me or if I'd stay an 88M. So I'm just wondering if anyone had any insight on where I could end up? If I'd have any choice what MOS I could go to? Or if how likely it'd be that I'd stay an 88M?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
I’m prior service and was in the Marine Corps IRR when I went active duty Army cuz the corps wouldn’t take me back due to my tattoos. I got 42A but didn’t get a list of really any options. The Recruiter at the MEPs station called HRc and that’s what I was given
I'm also in the same process, wondering the same thing. I am going to MEPS soon. If anything I'll let you know.
CH (1LT) (Join to see)
If you are green on your medpros and its recent. We are able to skip the medical portion of MEPS. that's where I am at right now.
SPC (Join to see)
My wavier is at the last person to get approved then, since I'm in Germany, I'll get a small list of MOS's to choose from and I'll be out of here! Hope everything is going well for you!
CH (1LT) (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) Nice Alyssa, for me it isn't that simple. My unit is RFX my waiver will be harder to obtain.
Depends on 2 things: your ASVAB scores (esp your GT score) and needs of the Army.
If you have a 110 GT or higher, and the Army needs the MOS you are looking for, you should be able to get it.
BTW, be prepared to go through reclassification (basically doing AIT again.)
If you have a 110 GT or higher, and the Army needs the MOS you are looking for, you should be able to get it.
BTW, be prepared to go through reclassification (basically doing AIT again.)
SPC (Join to see)
CH (CPT)(P) (Join to see) my GT score is 109 and I'm hoping/wanting to get into a medical MOS but not sure if I should get my hopes up by looking at the in/out calls. The recruiter I've been talking to also said it could end up by the need of the Army but hasn't narrowed it down to any MOS's for me yet.
CH (CPT)(P) (Join to see)
The recruiter should have the current needs of the Army. But, honestly, if you can retake the ASVAB and score 110 you should. I don't know how often you can take it (I think there is a delay, but not positive.)
Realistically, make sure you ask questions: what MOS are available? (All of them.) What locations could I be stationed at? What strength is the MOS at? (Are there not enough or over-strength? If over-strength, it will be harder to get promoted.)
I'm not positive, but I thought medical needed a 110 GT score. So, that would be why you want to retake.
Also, if they say what you want isn't available yet, don't just settle for something else. Wait until what you want is available. You don't want to get stuck with something for the next 4 years because "medic" wasn't available right then. And don't sign up for something else because the recruiter says, "You can switch MOS in 2-years." That isn't necessarily true. Wait for what you want.
Finally, if it ins't in your contract, it isn't real, and maybe not then. If you want to be stationed at Ft. Bragg, if it isn't in your contract that Ft. Bragg will be your first duty station, you probably won't go there. It has to be in your contract. Now, that COULD change on needs of the Army, but your odds of ending up at Bragg if it's in your contract are pretty good. (Same with Airborne, Air Assault, etc.)
Realistically, make sure you ask questions: what MOS are available? (All of them.) What locations could I be stationed at? What strength is the MOS at? (Are there not enough or over-strength? If over-strength, it will be harder to get promoted.)
I'm not positive, but I thought medical needed a 110 GT score. So, that would be why you want to retake.
Also, if they say what you want isn't available yet, don't just settle for something else. Wait until what you want is available. You don't want to get stuck with something for the next 4 years because "medic" wasn't available right then. And don't sign up for something else because the recruiter says, "You can switch MOS in 2-years." That isn't necessarily true. Wait for what you want.
Finally, if it ins't in your contract, it isn't real, and maybe not then. If you want to be stationed at Ft. Bragg, if it isn't in your contract that Ft. Bragg will be your first duty station, you probably won't go there. It has to be in your contract. Now, that COULD change on needs of the Army, but your odds of ending up at Bragg if it's in your contract are pretty good. (Same with Airborne, Air Assault, etc.)
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