Posted on Jul 19, 2018
How competitive am I for Green to Gold: Active Duty Option?
I’m currently waiting for the board. I have the stats of:
3.58 CGPA Bachelor of Science in Health Services Admin.
Going for Master or Arts in Communications from a state school.
127 GT Score.
Commandant’s List at BLC
Made SGT in a competitive MI MOS at 2 years 10 months.
271 APFT
2 LOR from O-5’s. 1 LOR from a MSG.
No NCOER due to it being an extended annual not in time for the board. (Wrote a memo for the portal detailing such)
I also need an age waiver, I will be 31 at time of graduation.
I’ve already been medically qualified.
I’ve only been in the Army for 3 1/2 years, but I’m hoping the board will be okay with that. What are my chances of getting an Active Duty Option slot? It’s the only route I can go because I have dependents and will need the income.
3.58 CGPA Bachelor of Science in Health Services Admin.
Going for Master or Arts in Communications from a state school.
127 GT Score.
Commandant’s List at BLC
Made SGT in a competitive MI MOS at 2 years 10 months.
271 APFT
2 LOR from O-5’s. 1 LOR from a MSG.
No NCOER due to it being an extended annual not in time for the board. (Wrote a memo for the portal detailing such)
I also need an age waiver, I will be 31 at time of graduation.
I’ve already been medically qualified.
I’ve only been in the Army for 3 1/2 years, but I’m hoping the board will be okay with that. What are my chances of getting an Active Duty Option slot? It’s the only route I can go because I have dependents and will need the income.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Good evening SGT. I have ready your comment, just wondering how is.the process going. I have the same Qual as you and I am in the process of getting all the paper work togethwr to submit packet. Thank you and hopefully I can get some coaching from you regarding Package Submission. God Bless!
One question, have you already earned a Bachelors Degree? If so, why not OCS? ROTC does offer GTG scholarships for Graduate School. Your GPA is very competitive, your GT is irrelevant. What was your SAT/ACT test score? That should have been a requirement for the board. The letter from the MSG won’t help, the two LTC LOR will help, especially if one was your BN CDR. APFT score is solid. How did your photo turn out? That can play a large part in howbtge board views you at first glance. The age waiver shouldn’t be a problem and won’t hold any weight with the board. Cadet Command will have to process that and grant it. The board has no say in waivers. Thier goal is to selected the best qualified with the greatest potential for success as an officer. Have the posed when the results will be released?
SGT (Join to see)
Thank you for the feedback. To address your points: I’m choosing ROTC GTG ADO to take a two year break from the optempo I was at. Overseas TDY’s and time away, this will give me a chance to actually spend time with my son. OCS would just be another 3 months away. I did hear that GT Score is scored along with the rest of the application (GPA, APFT, etc.) but that could’ve been misinformation. My ACT and SAT scores were not required because I already have a bachelor’s degree. One of the LOR, was indeed my outgoing BN CDR, and the new BN CDR is also required to write a recommendation on the application CC 174-R form. My photo was taken to the best of my ability. I picked up at a Navy schoolhouse TDY enroute to PCS. My PCS location is a remote, hardship duty assignment in the Australian Outback. There are no DA Photo facilities here, or an actual base. I wrote a memo detailing such, and then had another person take a picture of me in front of a white wall, wearing my ASU’s prepped as I would for a DA Photo. To my understanding, in circumstances like mine, the board understands. At least that’s what my processor said. To my understanding, the board is mid-December and the results are usually posted mid-January.
Do you have any recommendations on how I could improve my packet? I’m trying to do all that I can to ensure my selection.
Thank you for the feedback. To address your points: I’m choosing ROTC GTG ADO to take a two year break from the optempo I was at. Overseas TDY’s and time away, this will give me a chance to actually spend time with my son. OCS would just be another 3 months away. I did hear that GT Score is scored along with the rest of the application (GPA, APFT, etc.) but that could’ve been misinformation. My ACT and SAT scores were not required because I already have a bachelor’s degree. One of the LOR, was indeed my outgoing BN CDR, and the new BN CDR is also required to write a recommendation on the application CC 174-R form. My photo was taken to the best of my ability. I picked up at a Navy schoolhouse TDY enroute to PCS. My PCS location is a remote, hardship duty assignment in the Australian Outback. There are no DA Photo facilities here, or an actual base. I wrote a memo detailing such, and then had another person take a picture of me in front of a white wall, wearing my ASU’s prepped as I would for a DA Photo. To my understanding, in circumstances like mine, the board understands. At least that’s what my processor said. To my understanding, the board is mid-December and the results are usually posted mid-January.
Do you have any recommendations on how I could improve my packet? I’m trying to do all that I can to ensure my selection.
MAJ Samuel Weber
Sounds like you’ve done your homework. I’m surprised they didn’t ask for an ACT/SAT score? They ask foyou SAT/ACT for OCS and they have BS degrees already. Regardless, if it wasn’t on the checklist you should be good. Sounds like you’ve covered your bases, nownits up to the board. Without actually seeing your packet you seem like a strong applicant that get Army would want to select for officer commissioning. Best of luck, I hope you are selected.
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