Posted on Jul 18, 2018
Is it possible to reclass before my contract ends?
I’ve been in my first duty station for 2 1/2 months as a 92G. I don’t think my MOS is helping me out and I’m not learning any skills that’ll help me out later.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Mostlikely you will have to serve 12 moths in your current MOS. Ask to speak to your Battalion Career Counselor for further details. If your GT and line scores are below 110, I would suggest you to visit the education and enrolling on the GT improvement. Finally, ensure that you don’t have any flags or pending UCMJ when you visit Retention.
Lopez, I don't know what you want for your future, but if you want to be a cook, be an AWESOME cook. A good mess sergeant is worth his weight in gold to the troops. You've only been doing your job for a few months so you still have a lot of room to grow. Find a mentor who really seems to know his way around the kitchen and learn all that you can from him. You might also want to see if there are any civilian culinary schools in your area. If cooking isn't for you then I suggest you follow SGM Jaramillo's advice. Good luck.
The answer is not a simple yes or no. The requirements for reclassification can be found in AR 614-200 3-17, bottom line see your Career Counselor, they will be able to let you know where you stand at this point and what you need to do moving forward.
3–17. Reclassification of primary military occupational specialty and/or secondary military occupational specialty
a. SoldierswillnotbereclassifiedsolelybecausetheyarenotperformingdutiesintheirPMOS.However,Soldierswill be routinely reclassified as follows:
(1) Administrative reclassification of an MOS—
(a) For normal career progression.
(b) Erroneously awarded entry on ERB. These entries will be deleted per AR 600–8–104.
(c) Promotion to, or reduction from, grade that is not in line with, or authorized for, an MOS.
(2) Voluntary reclassification: Soldiers may request voluntary reclassification; however, they must meet the following
criteria to be reclassified:
(a) The Soldier's current PMOS must be listed as overstrength (N/Y) and the requested MOS must be listed as short
(Y/N) on the current Reenlistment and/or Reclassification IN/OUT call message published by the HRC.
(b) Soldier must meet the required criteria of DA Pam 611–21 for new MOS.
(c) SoldiercannotbeonAI.(SoldierisconsideredonAIwhenassignmenthasbeenprocessedthroughEDAS,notdate
of notification.)
(d) Soldier must have completed 12 months at their current duty station.
(e) Soldier may not be serving on initial enlistment under the ACASP (see AR 601–210).
(f) Soldier must agree, in writing, to recoupment of any unearned portion of the MOS specific enlistment and/or reen-
listment bonus received for the current period of service (see AR 601–280).
(g) Soldier must be within 12 months of the DEROS.
(h) Soldier may not be within 24 months of ETS.
(i) Soldier must have fulfilled all SRRs for promotion and assignments.
(j) When stabilized because of reenlistment, Soldier must waive their reenlistment option. (k) Soldier must be fully eligible to reenlist or extend per AR 601–280.
3–17. Reclassification of primary military occupational specialty and/or secondary military occupational specialty
a. SoldierswillnotbereclassifiedsolelybecausetheyarenotperformingdutiesintheirPMOS.However,Soldierswill be routinely reclassified as follows:
(1) Administrative reclassification of an MOS—
(a) For normal career progression.
(b) Erroneously awarded entry on ERB. These entries will be deleted per AR 600–8–104.
(c) Promotion to, or reduction from, grade that is not in line with, or authorized for, an MOS.
(2) Voluntary reclassification: Soldiers may request voluntary reclassification; however, they must meet the following
criteria to be reclassified:
(a) The Soldier's current PMOS must be listed as overstrength (N/Y) and the requested MOS must be listed as short
(Y/N) on the current Reenlistment and/or Reclassification IN/OUT call message published by the HRC.
(b) Soldier must meet the required criteria of DA Pam 611–21 for new MOS.
(c) SoldiercannotbeonAI.(SoldierisconsideredonAIwhenassignmenthasbeenprocessedthroughEDAS,notdate
of notification.)
(d) Soldier must have completed 12 months at their current duty station.
(e) Soldier may not be serving on initial enlistment under the ACASP (see AR 601–210).
(f) Soldier must agree, in writing, to recoupment of any unearned portion of the MOS specific enlistment and/or reen-
listment bonus received for the current period of service (see AR 601–280).
(g) Soldier must be within 12 months of the DEROS.
(h) Soldier may not be within 24 months of ETS.
(i) Soldier must have fulfilled all SRRs for promotion and assignments.
(j) When stabilized because of reenlistment, Soldier must waive their reenlistment option. (k) Soldier must be fully eligible to reenlist or extend per AR 601–280.
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