Posted on Dec 21, 2014
SPC(P) Micah Lavigne
Ok so I have my orders to PCS to FT Bliss and my orders say I am in a 20 level slot. I have some minor experiences leading a squad as an ASL, I have already gotten in touch with my new PSG and I expressed my desires to move up in rank. I asking NCOs how I can make a good impression as a leader not only to my Leadership but also to my Soldiers. I still have some of my gruff FA roots, but I am beginning to understand ADA style leadership. I been to WLC and as an ASL I try to follow the NCO creed along with teaching from my Knowledge and MOS Proficiency. I leave in JAN so I have some time but my question is

How can I make a good impression while not turning into a yes man (Im not good at politics)?

And how did you run your first squad? Any tips or Advice?
Posted in these groups: Getakwwcoach MentorshipImages PCS
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Responses: 1
MAJ FAO - Europe
1. Be yourself.
2. Figure out what your boss and your boss's boss think is important, and focus on that.
3. Take care of your people.
4. Never compromise your morals, values, and integrity.
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