Posted on Dec 20, 2014
CPL Jerry Daugherty
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Responses: 3
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
As a red-blooded American (of German descent, no less!), I have always been somewhat contemptuous of the French's marshal ability. What have they won lately (without a ton of help), after all.

Then I saw the French Army in action in East Africa. They were professional. Dare I say, much more professional and disciplined than the gong show I saw daily in Djibouti with US Forces with not enough job going feral.
They had a mastery of interacting with our African partners that was something to behold. The average Soldier had an excellent grasp of culture and history, and was able to apply it to further their objectives. For the first time in a while (some who know me would suggest ever), I would step back and listen and learn instead of being in charge of the interactions.

I would say that the experience changed many of my perceptions, and I am richer for it.
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MSG David Bridge
I wanted to share this because so often the American Soldier is too shy or humbled to toot their own horn. They will say we're just doing our job, supporting the man or woman next to us no matter where we are deployed in the world. They take orders and execute them with the precision of a master violinist no matter which President or Commander they come from, complaints are for later when chatting around chow or coffee. See our Soldiers through the eyes of a French Soldier. Everything he says is true about not only Soldiers, but Airmen, Sailors and Marines also. Everyone has their mission and all are brothers or sisters. Despite any arguments that may ensue, their comradeship wins out in the end when faced with the common enemy or task ahead. Remember our Military out in the world this Christmas away from their families and feel a little of the pride we feel everyday for those serving now and who have served in the past through the eyes of French Soldier..
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SFC Network Engineer
CPL Jerry Daugherty: Excellent article! Thanks for sharing that!
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