Posted on Jan 14, 2014
SPC Robert Patrick
<p>Since I have been in one of the foremost custom and courtesies that have been drilled into me is saluting.&nbsp; Whether it be officers or our nations flag and I have no problem making a correction (tactfully) when needed.&nbsp; Now I have respecfully brought this up to multiple superiors where I work (which is not a designated no hat no salute area)&nbsp; that when they walk pass that flag in the morning and evening they should be saluting it in accordance with FM 7-21.13 Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.&nbsp; I have gotten this way after getting to my first duty station and being told to bring a 1SG in our BN the reg after i did not salute the flag.&nbsp; Now am I misinterpreting this regulation or am I right in trying to ensure that my leaders set an appropriate example for my peers.&nbsp; <br><br>I have even had a couple of NCO's tell me that they have never heard of any such reg the whole time they have been in the Army and these are SSG and above. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Whats your thoughts?&nbsp; Correct me if I am wrong.</p>
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Responses: 15
Lt Col George Roll
I am 25 years retired after a 30 year career. When I pass by our flag I still salute. Respect for our country and all who have served.
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CSM Mike Maynard
Edited 11 y ago
SPC Patrick - the key to this is that there are "flags" and there are "colors". Totally different items.

Read carefully in the regulation about what to salute - I think you will find most of the time it is the "colors", not the "flag".

And study up on what is displayed on a flagpole - "colors" or a "flag"

SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I have tried looking for a definition on the two, but I can't find one. Do you happen to know where I should look?
SFC Wilbanks
CSM Mike Maynard
CSM Mike Maynard
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - The definition of a color can be found in the glossary of AR 840–10. It's a rather long regulation, but if you read thoroughly, you will see different customs & courtesies for "flags" and for "colors".
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SSG Icu Nurse

4-23 states:    

 When you are passing or being passed by colors that are being presented, paraded, or DISPLAYED, salute when the colors are six paces from you. Hold the salute until the colors are six paces beyond you.


I would like to look into this more since when I was at the OLD GUARD we never did this. My old unit was good at changing policy if an unnone regulation came to their atention, so my above statment could change if this is the proper way to interpret this reg.

SPC Robert Patrick
SPC Robert Patrick
11 y

It does define a flag being displayed in FM 7-21.13 Chapter 4-20

and it when passing or being passed by.


SPC Robert Patrick
SPC Robert Patrick
11 y

All Army installations will display the flag of the United States outdoors.

Continental United States (CONUS) Army installations will fly only one flag of the United States at a time except as authorized by the commanding generals of major Army commands.

Installations will display the flag daily from reveille to retreat.

When a number of flags are displayed from staffs set in a line, the flag of the United States will be at the right; to the left of an observer facing the display. If no foreign national flags are present, the flag of the United States may be placed at the center of the line providing it is displayed at a higher level.

When the flag of the United States is displayed with state flags, all of the state flags will be of comparable size.


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