Posted on Jul 12, 2018
CPT Infantry Officer
I know many of you have worked with some PSYOPers or have at least experienced some sort of contact with them. What did you think of them? Professional or competent? Or no? Did you understand what they were doing? I am just curious because I’ve heard a lot of different stories from across the force.
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Responses: 16
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
As with anyone you meet in the Army, you will encounter great ones and others who are less so.
I have found that in many operational environments, PSYOP elements are handcuffed by restrictions on messaging coming from senior leaders in DoD and DoS. Many ambassadors simply won't allow any product PSYOPS might generate to be deployed in their areas, for fear of upsetting the locals.
This is very unfortunate, as well-planned and integrated IO and MILDEC messaging has a key role in setting and shaping conditions on the ground.
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
>1 y
Handcuffed is a good word for it... forced to gain approvals at very high levels - and knowing that time is critical and that opportunities are fleeting when you do not have it. An so that is how we end up on the defense and doing counter-propaganda.... and not owning the initiative.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
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LTC Eric Udouj - It also causes CA and to a lesser extent, other assets to do more IO. Makes it very challenging to keep everyone on the correct themes and messages.
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CSM Civil Affairs Specialist
They are a useful asset to any combatant commander who understands how to use them correctly. They are as professional and competent as any other MOS. There are, like all SM’s in the Army, turds and exceptional Soldiers and Officers.
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I had one that was responsible for a large area of operations and he ended up staying with us for most of our tour. He was very helpful and advised me and my LT with some great options that worked when used and didn't work when denied.
We also had 2 JTACs, 2 EOD, 2 SIGnit, 2 60mm mortarmen, 1 PRT, 2 FET and 2 combat camera. All attached to our rifle platoon.
LTC Self Employed
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The psychological operation guys are amazing! With the equipment that did work, they came out with amazing products! Actually drove around with them when they were trying to set up there radio station out in the field. I got the meat also Canadian psychological operations people from the Quebec area and they spoke excellent English. One of the quebecers from psychological operations had an Anglo dad and a Franco mom and he could speak English without an accent and then speak French with a Canadian accent. That's the guy hanging out in front of the tactical vehicle. He had a beard and look like a viking but this guy was really high speed. So the psychological operations are underfunded but they have very high spirits

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