Posted on Jul 11, 2018
How long does it take to process the NGB Form 22 after ETS?
Responses: 6

Suspended Profile
Contact your state HRO office they are the ones that cut the NGB 22
I had to laugh because, hopefully by mistake, you said that you are "deplorable in everything" I am pretty sure you meant deployable
SFC Christopher Taggart
Good eye, Sergeant Squires!...are you wearing "Staff Sergeant" rank in your picture? lol
1SG (Join to see)
That's because I look like a bloated cow in my DA Photo. I had little sleep and have dark bags under my eyes.
Someday, I will get a better one and put it on the site.
Someday, I will get a better one and put it on the site.
It comes directly from your unit. The bad news is that it took 4 months just to receive mine in the mail after ETS date and it wasn't placed into military records until over a year later. You should be able to call your unit to expedite the process for a copy if you need one in a hurry though.
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