Posted on Jul 9, 2018
Does AD-to-ARNG time in grade reset after a break in service?
If I separate from the active duty Air Force as a captain with 6 years time in grade, incur a break in service, then join the Army National Guard, do I start in the ARNG as a day-1 captain, or is there a more complicated rule-set that governs my new ARNG time in grade? Does anyone know the Army reg that covers this?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I was an active duty SSG, with just under 39 months TIG. Then I had a break in service. When joining the National Guard I was told I would need to agree to a rank reduction to SGT, but was told that since I had been a SGT previously for 26 months before promotion to SSG my DOR would be calculated to go back 26 months, and I saw this entered into a database by individuals at MEPS just before signing my contract. This promise was not honored, however, and once I was in my TIG was reset to zero, as though I were a newly minted SGT fresh from the sham shield brigade.
When I switched over from reserves to active duty my DOR was reset to my first day in active duty. I lost a lot of time.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
Retention will have to do a 1506 to get you back on track. You are getting under paid and the army owes you money. Right now I’m waiting for retention to fix mine. I’m getting paid as an E4 with no time in service. When I switched to active duty I didn’t have a break in service. So now they owe me from the day I enlisted until the day they fix it.
Branch is irrelevant. You should retain your time in grade/DOR unless there was some type of administrative action that would preclude retention. For promotion to O4/Major you'd still be required to be selected and receive Fed Rec. I've known officers that went Army to Air with no problems as far as rank is concerned.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
I was promoted to SSG in 2004, I separated from service in 2009. I re-enlisted in 2020 and retired in 2023. I'm now being told I lost my time in grade as a SSG and the clock started over when I re-entered service. No adverse discharged or anything. Will this affect my retirement?
SSG(P) (Join to see)
Many sources say I lost no time and others say I lost all TIG as a SSG but I was submitted for promotion prior to retirement and denied because I'm over 57.
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