Posted on Jul 6, 2018
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
Has anyone successfully requested option 4 in their reenlistment contract? I will be reenlisting in the next few weeks and wanted to know of this is doable when reenlisting?
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Responses: 5
SSG Lyle O'Rorke
I know this was years ago but I know it’s do able it’s about timing. I was in a unit with caustic leadership team, so I went to retention as soon as my window opened and asked how fast he could get me to Korea, it’s almost always open in my field, and I was overseas in 90 days
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
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Thank you for your response SSG O'Rorke! I'm going tomorrow, my retention SFC was out for a month in training. I want to request either Germany or Korea and apply for command sponsorship as soon as I can get my reenlistment done. I looked at what branch has posted and there are slots open for both but she told me that's not what Renton has, so I really have no clue what she will offer me tomorrow.
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
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Question SSG O'Rorke, did you take your family to Korea or it was an unaccompanied tour?
SSG Lyle O'Rorke
SSG Lyle O'Rorke
>1 y
I was single and at the time it was unaccompanied for almost everyone. So that may differ but I did get married there to another GI
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SGM Erik Marquez
What is available by way of retention branch is only loosely tied the needs of the army

You would think the two are tightly synchronized but I’ve seen too many instances of it not being so
Bottom line option four is very doable but what is offered is perishable so just because somebody last week was able to use option for an array last minute doesn’t mean it’ll be available to you today or to somebody else next week
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
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Yes I definitely thought they would be somewhat linked, but now I know they are not. She was out of the office so I will have to wait and see if there are any slots open for my mos for option 4. Hopefully there will be something :)
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) They are linked but always seem to add/ remove/ adjust at different speeds
So linked But not synchronized
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
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SGM Erik Marquez Ahh Got it! Makes some sense haha! This is my first reenlistment as AD (was reserves for 3 years) so this is all new to me
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SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
I looked at what branch has available and there are some overseas assignments open but my retention searget told me that what they can offer is completely different to what's available on Carrier Advancement
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