Posted on Dec 18, 2014
SGT Journeyman Plumber
25164998 fake dictionary dictionary definition of the word bigot
I have seen a worrying trend here on RallyPoint lately where religious bigotry has been on the rise. Stereotypes, blanket statements on religions as a whole, and in general a lot of comments that straddle the fence of hate speech. I understand that many people hold religious beliefs close to their hearts, but I find this to be unacceptable.

Should we as a community chastise offending users on an individual basis, or should RP set up and enforce more stringent rules regarding what is and is not up for discussion on this answer board? Put simply, should religious discussion be banned outright? I'm a member of numerous boards that have this policy for the sake of civility and wonder if it could be beneficial, or wanted, here.

If not an outright ban on the subject, then should we consider a list bannable offenses? There are support pages discussing "Inappropriate Answers and Discussions, Comments and Responses," as well as pages covering down voting and reporting unprofessional posts, but as they pertain to this topic there's a lot of things that I would of assumed to be covered that are inexplicably absent.

What do you all think? Do you see a problem that needs to be addressed? If so how do you think we as a community should go about it?

Edit: It would seem that many people have tunnel vision and are focusing on only one aspect of what I'm asking. To be clear, I'm not advocating censorship as the only possible method of dealing with this, as I much prefer for users to self police ourselves. This was an open question to the community about how we should react to this type of communication on RallyPoint.
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPointWorld religions 2 ReligionRacism logo Racism
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 33
SFC Mark Merino
Edited 10 y ago
514 230x230 nopeel
As long as these threads are allowed, there will be arguing. RallyPoint spent lots of time and money to tailor the ability to pick and choose the threads we can see, and members still join the conversation just to stir the pot. What is worse is the INABILITY of some members to NOT get sucked into the argument. Here is some free therapy from Uncle Mark. If you find yourself CONSTANTLY having issues with members, ask yourself this simple question......"Why am I constantly getting into fights and repeatedly needing to get the administrators to step in?" If you put some thought into this question, you might not like the answer. For the members who feel it is their mission in life to point out how someone else's religion is wrong, that is your right. However, I ask you to attack the issue/statement, not the person. Some members just need therapy.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
10 y
As has been said religious discussions are not the only ones that can turn ugly. The best advice is if you don't like the topic or are worried your comment might be misunderstood, walk away. Just don't get involved and leave it alone. But if you do get involved please respect the other persons view or opinion even if you disagree or they are wrong (in your mind). If you hold your head up and remain respectful with class you will win every time. Let the other person be rude and obnoxious and show their true colors.
Cpl Christopher Bishop
Cpl Christopher Bishop
10 y
I do not agree with the censoring of anything on this site based on "Topic". If/When someone fails at conducting themselves with maturity and respect, then that individual asks for what they get, in terms of "The Ban Hammer".

That said, open discussion about anything should be an opportunity for people to learn, to teach, to share, and to grow. This does not mean we should avoid certain "hot topics" unless we individually know we cannot handle them. Personally, I get tired of folks handing me some sort of list of things I cannot discuss. I challenge such efforts in limiting these things, with "Then how am I supposed to learn or grow...when everything is Off Limits because others have thinner skin than I have?"

Its about Respect. I have probably headbutted a few people here and there, over time, on this site. Yet I do not believe I made anyone's Hate List.
SPC Leisel Luman
SPC Leisel Luman
10 y
I thought this was therapy?
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
I just have an issue when members make comments with out being aware that we have active military members that become their targets; always support the active military first.
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COL Strategic Plans Chief
This grenade has multiple pieces of shrapnel to go around if it's used. Once that pin is pulled, MR. Grenade is no longer anyone's friend. There are certain subjects which probably shouldn't be brought up at and pornography would probably be a good one to throw out there as something we don't want to see on RP. But religion is a topic which is debatable and useful to discuss. The responses, on both sides, can get unprofessional at times, but that's the way discussions get when they are central to REAL meaningful thought. I find that absolute rules tend to be fought for by extremists on either end of the spectrum. If we don't like what someone has to say...counter it. Respecfully. Even if that person is acting like a clown.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
Please see above "Save For Therapy" post.
COL Strategic Plans Chief
COL (Join to see)
10 y
THERE...see what you've done to Brick?
COL Strategic Plans Chief
SPC Leisel Luman
SPC Leisel Luman
10 y
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SrA Craig Brockman
I have no belief system, but I respect and admire those that do! Operative word is "Respect".
SrA Craig Brockman
SrA Craig Brockman
10 y
Thanks Ken. Quick story where this comes from. I'm Jewish - I celebrate the ancestral history of "The Tribe" - four years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 2a Colon Cancer possibly as a result of my work as a 9/11 WTC recovery team member. My wife believes in everything, I even have Buddhas throughout the house. My loss of belief came after burying two of my sons. As I laid in the hospital preparing to have most of my colon removed, a priest that was my wife's patient came in and asked if he can pray over me, I said "Absolutely" - if it gave my wife peace, I was ok with it. He had asked me about my beliefs, my answer to him was simple, "I wish I had a belief, I admire you and your ability to believe in something - but I can't believe in something just because I'm in this situation." For me it's hypocritical - to this day I say at best I'm agnostic. With that said - when I say the Pledge of Alligeance, I never omit the word "God". I respect our country and what the pledge means and understand that it's bigger than my own personal issues.
SrA Craig Brockman
SrA Craig Brockman
10 y
Sorry - "Allegiance"^
SGT Journeyman Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
SrA Craig Brockman

I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of your children. No father should have to bury a son, much more than one. All I can say is that some people could learn from you in regards to your outlook on faith. It doesn't matter what your faith is, respect towards the faith of others goes a long way.
SSG Tim Everett
SSG Tim Everett
10 y
SrA Craig Brockman terribly sorry for your loss. Also Chappy Chanukah from another agnostic Jew.
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