Posted on Jul 1, 2018
SSG(P) Drill Sergeant
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Responses: 19
LTC Kevin B.
-Practice climbing a thick rope, without knots.
-Continue to make sure you're in great shape.

Otherwise, you'll be fine. In my opinion, the toughest day was the very first day ("zero day"). Everything after that was simply a matter of paying attention to detail and hanging tough through the road marches.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
>1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
A good portion of my class had issues with Sling Loading, which is certainly the most academically and hands on difficult part of the course.
The only person we lost that got beyond Zero Day and the Sling Load was one E-6 that was petrified of heights. I don't mean not comfortable with heights, I'm not fond of looking over the edge of the tower or out the door of a helicopter either, but petrified. As in froze up and couldn't execute. He was on his third recycle with my class. I have to give the guy an At Boy for having enough balls to try the third time as something that scared him that bad, but after three tries, it's time to move on.
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LTC John Shaw
SSG(P) (Join to see)
LTC Broom is right, practice climbing a rope, w/o knots and using your legs as your primary method. If is it raining that day, you will still need to climb the rope and go through the course wet.
Let's assume you max or close to max your APFT, you still need to be in shape for balance type of obstacles and working at heights.
If you have access to the base obstacle course run through it as many times as you can, especially the Tough One (should be at least a 30 foot rope climb) and the Weaver. These were the obstacles that caused many in my class to fail on Zero day.
If you have not had road marches at a long distance you will want to practice this as well. The other things you may do if you have time is rappel off a tower with a skid so you get used to that difference and you have muscle memory of it. Also make sure your triceps are used to the weight of you with a backpack and gear.
If you are going to the school in July or August, spend your time outside getting used to the heat.

Most of the school is detail orientation and mental toughness. Not applying static line & bad loads get people killed, you need to be mentally sharp during this part of the course. When you get to the rappelling you will be pumped and won't allow anything to stop you from completing the course.
God Speed, I am excited for you, it is great school. Air Assault!
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Your an infantryman so I doubt you’ll have any issue with air assault school. If you’re in decent shape and can climb a rope I wouldn’t sweat it. People normally have issues with the packing list, layout and identifying the deficiencies with the A22 cargo bag.
SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
SSG (Join to see)
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attention to detail during the sling load portion of class will help you and make sure you ask questions if you dont know what is being asked and also refer to the handbook that is issued to you at the beginning of the class.

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