Posted on Jun 18, 2018
Larry Fajardo
Is an enlistment bonus worth it? How much do I actually get ?
My state NG has 10 mos jobs available all with 20k enlistment bonus. I was going to sign a reserve contract this week but the multiple job opportunities & enlistment bonus is drawing me in.
My State reserve only offers one job & no bonus.

Thanks again for the help.
Posted in these groups: D3fe61e5 Army Reserve Elements
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Responses: 5
SGT Joseph Gunderson
I received a 20k bonus when I enlisted. I received 10k up front and 3k every year after that for three years. Taxes removed, I received about 7k initially and right about 3k each year; I was deployed for two of those years so I got the full portion those two times.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I was Active Duty... I actually have no clue how the system works in the guard and reserves.
LTC Field Artillery Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I was active duty too... prior service and I received an $8K bonus when I enlisted. I got $4500 cash when I reported to my duty station in Germany (after AIT & Basic).
Larry Fajardo
Larry Fajardo
>1 y
My NG recruiter said the same thing. I'll get half after basic & AIT the rest will be paid annually for 3 years. I just wanted to make sure how bonuses worked & how much was taken out. Thank you both for the information.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
>1 y
Larry Fajardo - You can usually figure out how much you're going to receive by hacking off approx. 30% from the top.
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LTC Field Artillery Officer
You will likely see a hit by the IRS for about 40% in Taxes, plus an additional amount for State/local taxes based on where you live. You'll likely get some back when you file next year.

I'd estimate you'll probably see somewhere from $12-14K after your Basic and AIT is complete. I'd opt for the National Guard, if no reserve bonus is available.

Just a clarification- the Army Reserve doesn't really have a state. The Army Reserve is a Federal Reserve force of the US Army, with about 195K in total forces vs. 330K+ for the National Guard (which is state by state & territories). Army Reserve Soldiers are stationed in all 50 States and most territories & even overseas. Just FYSA.
LTC Field Artillery Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I guess now a bonus is doled out over a couple year period. So you'll probably get some up front: $6-8K, and then a couple thousand over the next couple of years. If you're deployed in a contingency operation (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) at the time you get your bonus- then it will be tax free.
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SSgt CASS Test Station IMA Advanced Maintenance Technician, IMA
FICA TAX on a bonus is 33% then depending on if your state has an additional income tax on bonuses you may end up loosing 35-38% for taxes. you will probably see approximately 12,500-13,000 total.
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