Posted on Jun 17, 2018
Larry Fajardo
My goal is to pursue a bachelor's degree which service branch would help pay for my in state tuition ? I'm from Az. I want to go Army active duty once I obtain my bachelor's degree & go through OCS. I dont want to do ROTC/SMP for my personal reasons.
I will be calling my national guard recruiter monday morning for more info, I wanted to see if someone here could help me out.

Thank you!
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Responses: 9
SrA Office Manager
I’d recommend the National Guard. Both branches will provide you with federal assistance but the Guard also gives you state assistance. Each state offers different tuition assistance though, so it’s important you look into what your state provides.
Larry Fajardo
Larry Fajardo
>1 y
Thank you. Can guardsmen State assistance be used for out of state online schools or is it just in state ?
SrA Office Manager
SrA (Join to see)
>1 y
I know when I was looking in to it, I belonged to the MI Army NG, moves to NY but stayed with my MI unit. I could use my TA while living out of state but had to be online through a school in MI. I’d check your state though, this was a couple years ago.
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LTC Field Artillery Officer
If you are speaking just monetary benefits, the Guard is probably the better option for college financing. I am AGR with the Army Reserve here in Alabama. The Alabama NG offers their Soldiers, a $10K ALABAMA NG Scholarship, other states may do the same.

If I had to do it all over again, I would have done enlisted/Active Duty first; in a State that offers Veterans free tuition (Illinois, Texas, etc.). Enlisted from that State & then returned to the State after Active duty. You'd get to pocket, whatever the GI Bill didn't pay, which if it's a Yellow Ribbon School- is everything. And take home the $1000+ for housing that people get nowadays from the Post-911 GI Bill. You'd be living high on the hog (probably in a nice condo)- when other Students are scrounging to get money for some Top Ramen.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
Here's the thing...first, what major? Next, any high school AP credits? Any assocs level stuff thus far? Must it he Army? Would you want other svcs? Have you looked at other svcs? What are your interests, hobbies, reading you do, sports, !aerial arts, if any? Would you want flight at all? Would you want to do a full20-30 yrs at all or you're unsure get? Would you want senior enlisted? Warrant? Commissioned? If warramtz would you want the Army high school to!flight program for WO1 warrant, for rotary wing, since that needs only high school minimum, as the name suggests, though I've heard it's a rough program? I ha e to send frequently, as this tablet I'm on conks out a good deal....
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