Posted on Jun 15, 2018
Will getting a misconduct waiver stop me from furthering my career and educating myself in the Army?
I recently just got back in the military after a 7 years break cause my ex-wife lied while both of us was deployed in Iraq and said I assualted her received an Article 15 and discharged out the service. My wife while still in th service admit you to her new command that she lied but I was already out the service. Will getting a waiver or the misconduct stop me from getting in Army CID, recruiting, warrant officer or any other thing I need to put a packet in for?
I’m working on my degree and have 90 college hours and also have 7 years law enforcement experience between my military service. I only got in trouble in time in my military and law enforcement career and it was a lie. Anyone got any recommendations could use cause I really wanna do CID!
I’m working on my degree and have 90 college hours and also have 7 years law enforcement experience between my military service. I only got in trouble in time in my military and law enforcement career and it was a lie. Anyone got any recommendations could use cause I really wanna do CID!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Be honest about all aspects of the event, obtain letters from parties who heard her admissions of lying about you assaulting her. You may want to go to JAG and speak with a lawyer about filing an application with the Board for the Correction of Military Records. You need an attorney, either military or a civilian with military experience, to help you write the appeal. Putting a CID packet is a time consuming, labor intensive effort. It was well worth it for me, as I stayed 17 years in the command. I would suggest you also speak with a CID career. My information is dated, as I retired in 1994.
SGT Eric Davis
Thank you! I got all the information that got me the waivers cause she made a sworn statement to the MP station 7 years ago and I tried to get my records correct but they said the reason o got put out was good enough! I’ll try to speak to one but don’t have a contact for CID
CW3 Michael Clifford
Contact your local MP Station. Ask the MP desk sergeant where you can find the local CID Office. Some may not have an organic CUD unit where you are located, get the telephone number for the CID activity which services your location. Go to or call that CID unit unit and ask to speak with the CID recruiter. It may be the detachment sergeant or other senior NCO agent, who has recruiting as an additional duty. Explain your situation and take it from there.
LCDR Robert S.
CW3 Michael Clifford - has the best response to your question, because if the Board for Correction of Military Records removes the Article 15 from your record, there's no need for a waiver, and your career will suffer no *other* adverse effects because of it. Unless, when you say, "they said the reason o got put out was good enough" you mean that the Board upheld your Article 15.
Depending on the infraction, waivers are considered, and potentially approved, by the TRADOC or USAREC commander, depending on which direction you go. For both, there's a lot of scrutiny on morality waivers but I know tons of people (pre-2013 ALARACT) who were able to go either direction with entry-level waivers. Call Drill Branch and ask the question or check out and find the DS Academy link for contact info.
Yes.. i just got denied drill sergeant school cus i got a waiver to come into the Army nine years ago with no incidents since
SGT Jody Trapp
There are plenty of things you can do other than your job. It won’t disqualify you from all broadening assignments or reclassing, you just have to see what the qualifications are and if it says whether or not you’re disqualified with a morality waiver.
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