Posted on Dec 13, 2014
COL Senior Strategic Cyber Planner
Looking for advice from all current or former recruiting command personnel. I am slated to take command in the spring and wanted to hear what advice you all have for me!

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Responses: 1
CMSgt Danny Roby
LTC.... Although as an enlisted member, I have never been in command, I did have the opportunity to serve with many commanders in the Air Force Recruiting world. I spent 20 of my 27 years in recruiting and retired as a CMSgt at all levels of I was exposed to many different command styles.

I believe you will find that many of the same qualities you have found useful in normal leadership positions, will also serve you well in recruiting. Praise in public, kick butt in private....get out of the office and spend time with your recruiters (especially since they are spread out all over the place) your senior enlisted leadership, and if you can't find one you can. I believe in recruiting it is more important than in any other field to have a great working relationship with your top enlisted leader. Remember you are not a lead recruiters. It will be tempting to jump into a sales situation...but try to refrain. I have worked for a few that were great at sales...but most are not. But that's wasn't their job. Make sure your recruiters have everything they need to do the job. Lastly...remember recruiting is a series of one month tours...don't go crazy if a recruiter has a tough week/month etc. Make sure they have the tools to get back on track and support them. I could go on and on...but I think you get the picture. The fact that you are willing to reach out for input tells me a lot. You'll do great LTC!
COL Senior Strategic Cyber Planner
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