Posted on Jun 6, 2018
PFC Jacob Britts
Caught a DUI on base in 2013 on Fort Bragg. I served as an Airborne Infantryman with the 3rd Brigade, 1/508 PIR of the 82nd Airborne Division. We were gearing up to go on my second deployment, I got busted down to E-1 and told if i kept myself out of trouble and continued to do my job I would be good to go and over time gain rank back. About 3 months later after a 5 mile run for PT my 1st lieutenant came to me and told me that due to downsizing I would be getting out in a few months. I got out in July 2013, and in January of 2014 was summoned to court to face my DUI at Fort Bragg, I completed everything the judge asked of me and now there is no record of a DUI at all on my record. I received General Under Honorable discharge with Re-entry code 3. I have read that it can be difficult to get back in with this code but nothing is impossible. Take away my DUI and my military record is clean with no patterns of misbehavior or anything. I've missed it everyday since I've been out and I greatly want to get back in even if I have to start back with the NG. I had plans to go to Jump master School and Ranger School and feel like I have something left to finish. I am very upset about my decision making on that night and do not in any way shape or form back up what I did but a bunch of my higher ups had been in and had DUIs and they were still able to carry on service, I know this is a different time now then it was then but any information/advice will greatly be appreciated and I thank you in advance
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Responses: 7
CSM Darieus ZaGara
Nothing is impossible, although unlikely. The rate at which straight civilians are looking to serve outweighs opportunities for former Service Members to rejoin. Even those without negative discharges. Good luck and thank you for your service.
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MSG Inspector General
RE CODE 3 means a disqualification that requires a waiver. About the DUI, even if you think is not in your record, you must notify the recruiter about it. If you completed the time served, or paid fines and the case is closed, you have nothing to worry about. Go and find the three letter code that is located in your dd214, the three letter code will tell the recruiter what type of waiver you require. I recall trying to help people get back in with waivers, once they realized it was their job to do the leg work, they just banished in to the wind. Be prepared to provide a lot of documents, and be flexible. Good luck.
PFC Jacob Britts
PFC Jacob Britts
>1 y
Thanks! Yeah, I paid my fines and did court ordered classes and etc and now it's completely gone off my record. I'm 100% willing to put in the work and do what needs to be done to get back I just need to find a recruiter to work with me.
MSG Inspector General
MSG (Join to see)
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PFC Jacob Britts have you talked to any recruiters yet?
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SFC Platoon Sergeant
The Army is NOT taking anyone with a DUI at this point. It's been lile this for a couple years now. Call a recruiter to double check but I still believe that is a non waiverable offense.
SFC Recruiting Standards Directorate
SFC (Join to see)
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It very much has and is a waiverable offense.
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