Posted on Jun 2, 2018
What are some good suggestions for post-Company/Battery command assignments?
Curious if senior officers and fellow Captains can give some guidance on post Company/Battery Command assignments. I have been to busy to submit for broadening. I am tracking ROTC, instructing BOLC, ect. Any deeper thoughts?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 13
I highly recommend an AS3 (Assistant Operations Officer) assignment if you have not yet had this experience. It is not a "sexy" position but will benefit your development greatly.
I asked the same question when I came out of command. I was given very similar advice, take a primary staff position at a Battalion. I believe that to be better than being a deputy at the Brigade level. I’d also consider any special programs your branch offers. I see you earned a Masters on your own, I did the same thing so I took a key staff assignment within my branch and applied for an internship (I’d consider TWI). You usually can’t apply for these broadening assignments until you have commanded successfully for 18-24 months. Something to think about, you may not have the time as a Major, between ILE and two KD assignments. Looks like you still have plenty of time before you pin Major. Good luck.
MAJ Jason Sierakowski; depends what you want to be doing and if there are any "non-career" goals in mind. Location matters to some and that drives it. It did for me. I wanted to be in the mid-west, so that's where I went. Also depends on how you did in Command. What are your chances for resident CGSC? If you are likely to go resident, are you interested in going to SAMS? I came out of command and did a year on Brigade staff and then went to the MCTP at Fort Leavenworth (then called BCTP). Then onto CGSC and SAMS. 4 years at Leavenworth. Stabilization for the family was the goal and it worked out. Do what you want to do. There are a ton of other options. You could go to the Pentagon, a service component command (USARPAC, ARCENT, ARSOUTH, etc), NTC or JRTC as an O/C, ROTC, BOLC, Captain's Career Course, AC/RC, multiple fellowships (but I assume you are out of the window to apply now if you are running to the end of your time as a commander), exchange programs with partner nations (air defense school in England...again, you may have missed the deadline for submission), and a host of other things. There is a team of air defenders here in Saudi Arabia advising the Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces right across the street from me. Tons of things to do.
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I think COL Halvorson summed it up. I'll just add: sometimes big army has other plans for us. I lobbied for an ROTC instructor job after command, and thought I had it in the bag. I report to USAREC for a second company command next month.
Sometimes we have to roll with what we are given and do the best we can in any position.
Sometimes we have to roll with what we are given and do the best we can in any position.
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