Does personality affect leadership style? In what ways?
I am going base my opinion on my personality. I
am going to use two personality traits that affect the way I lead soldiers.
That is that I am aggressive and persistent. These two traits allow me to get
the mission done quickly without losing quality of my product. It also allows
me to foresee issues and fix them before they become an issue.
However, if I don't
balance them I could hurt morale and add more stress to myself and the
soldiers, because there's things that can't be fix at my level, so in those
instances I just try to mitigate the "suck" in those situations.
I have seen other leaders that are more "lay back" and at times they
seem like they don't care about issues. In my personal opinion leaders should always
assess their personality and see what are their strengths and weakness so they
can strike a balance and work around them.