Posted on May 31, 2018
PV2 Robert H.
I'm enlisting into the army as a 35N (signals intelligence analyst) and will be getting a chance to go through airborne school (supper excited!)
Assuming I make it through jump school, my wife and I are hoping for over seas duty station first (either Italy or Germany) if not then we're hoping for Ft. Bragg or Ft. Lee. Obviously it's needs of the army first and foremost, but my question is this. Are these even feasible options? Or are they based that are "slim chance bub"?

Thank you for your knowledge.
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Responses: 9
Sgt Field Radio Operator
PV2 Robert H. Do not make plans for failure in Jump School. Do what it takes to make it through the school.
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CSM Chuck Stafford
Good luck at GAFB and get through jump school -- you'll never regret going. If I were a betting man, Bragg is in your future -- great assignment. I enlisted to go to Europe too and when the recruiter offered airborne school it was a no brainer -- paratroopers are common in my hometown. So when I got my 1st assignment -- boom Bragg -- It was a longer run from Pike Field to the barracks than from the barracks to my home (in Fayetteville). Airborne All the Way!!!
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SPC Daniel Bowen
Unless there is a need for your MOS overseas, chances are you'll stay stateside. And airborne school isn't necessarily a skill to bring you to an airborne unit. It would more feasible if you were infantry going through airborne school. Honestly I can't be 100% on this. But airborne school for non-airborne units is just a short lived skill for promotion points. I've seen logistics or supply go through airborne school and they never served in an airborne unit nor did they ever use the training.
PV2 Robert H.
PV2 Robert H.
7 y
I'm debating adding ranger option to my contract, as that field is needed in the rangers very badly right now. I wanna live up to my granddads legacy. Ive been told he was 82nd Airborne in Europe during WW2 and he jumped on d-day. I just cannot do infantry or direct of my wife's demands In order to be allowed to serve and because i would like to see my children grow up into beautiful young women
SPC Daniel Bowen
SPC Daniel Bowen
7 y
I never served in a Ranger Batt, but have you looked into the need for 35Ns in those units? If you meet the standards and there is a need, there is nothing wrong with pushing for Ranger. However, its a different process in addition to Ranger School itself. Ranger School doesn't automatically get you in a Ranger Battalion. You've got to look and see if your MOS is even needed there.
PV2 Robert H.
PV2 Robert H.
7 y
Ssg, they are very beautiful little girls!
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