Posted on May 30, 2018
How long does Compassionate Reassignment packet stay at division before sent to HRC? How long does it take to receive orders?
I turned in my compassionate reassignment packet 5 weeks ago. i was told by S1 that it is being sent up high priority. Checked the status today and it is still at division. How long does it stay at division before sent to HRC? Once it is approved how long will it take to receive orders?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
After HRC receives your packet they give you an answer within 72 hours. BUT !!! I have never heard of a packet sitting at Division for that long. Once S-1 gets all the signatures it is coded to HRC. I would contact the Special Branch division at HRC to give them a heads up about your packet then use the open door policy or ask your OIC in S-1 to try to get an update on your packet at division.
I was stationed in Japan and found out my dad had pancreatic cancer. He was real sick and in the hospital for whipple surgery. I went home on e-leave in mid November for 2 weeks came back from leave and submitted the doctors letter to HRC along with the compassionate form. I was approved within the week and was packed up and shipped to the states by January. It was a quick move. It’s been 4 years since the move and my dad has recovered fully with no signs of cancer again so far. It moves quick once you get it past your unit. Hope this helped answer some questions.
It should have gone up I HRV long ago. Your command teams and S1 should be advocating for you!
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