Posted on May 28, 2018
SGT Paralegal Specialist
Posted in these groups: 1efa5058 NCOER
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Responses: 7
MSG Inspector General
Sadly yes, the Senior rater can write about anything on his comments. However, a true professional would have conducted counseling to coach and mentor and help correct the deficiency. Waiting to the rating period is done is the coward's way. This also could be said to those NCOs who don't get involved in their career development until is too late. Counseling should be done, often and to the standard.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
As long as it is fact they can put these comments in you rating. It is not the best way to do it but facts are facts. If they are unjust then you can appeal the NCOER. If the report has not yet gone up you can also ask to have a sit down to determine what occurred. Thank you for your service.
SGT Paralegal Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
It was for a period of two battle assemblies that ended in January where he says I did everything asked but that my ‘initiative’ was lackluster. In other words nothing I did that was wrong but a claim that I don’t independently do stuff. And this was as I was transitioning out of that unit. Hard to prove intangential claims as true or false like that. But probsbly not worth the appeal.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
6 y
While not an ideal situation it is very survivable. Over the many years I have seen very junior NCOs get much worse ratings and go on to make E7 and above. Your responsibility in this is to ensure that you do not get another. Work hard and force conversations with your leadership seekingvtheir thoughts on your performance asnking forbguidance on how to do your job better. One sure fire way is to ensure that you take great care of your squad, they are the reason you exist. All will be well as long as you remain motivated and seek to improve.
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CPT Board Member
Yes. Your senior rater can put whatever they want on your NCOER. However, a good leader would likely communicate with you why you are receiving a negative comment. You are more than welcome and encouraged to appeal it as it is your future. Here's a helpful article explaining some of the facts and myths about NCOER appeals -
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