Posted on May 28, 2018
Is it true that the Army is changing the amount of terminal leave days that a person can take from 60 days down to 30 after this fiscal year?
There is a rumor that the army is changing the amount of terminal leave days that a person can take from 60 days down to 30 after this fiscal year. Is there any truth to this? This is important because i am trying to take all 60 days of terminal leave so that i can attend the spring semester
on time at the college i will be attending.
on time at the college i will be attending.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 8
Rumors are rumors- not confirmed, not particularly the truth. Until it is published and the effective date is given, your guess is as good as anyone else's.
I have not heard that one I would not worry about that. I would get your lave form completed now.
I have not heard anything about changing the amount of leave days one can take, but leave is all at the commander's discretion. In your case paragraph 5-16 of AR 635-200 may be of some use. "5–16. Early separation to further education Soldiers may be discharged or released from active duty for the convenience of the Government, up to 90 days before ETS,in order to attend a specific term at college, university, vocational school, or technical school. "
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