Posted on May 23, 2018
What time period/style of warfare would you rather have fought in?
If you could choose any period of time (antiquity, Dark Ages, Colonial, etc) and or a particular style of warfare (e.g. hand to hand sword melee, seige, force on force 'gentleman's' combat, etc), what would you rather participate in and in what capacity?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
My question is: do I get to retain my current health, experience, and knowledge?
SGT Aaron Atwood
SGT Joseph Gunderson Colonial period. It'd be baller A F to possibly participate literally alongside my ancestors from the same time period, and I'd also get to see where they lived considering the houses they built are no longer around. There are questions I have for them as well on their day to day life (which would show a number of good qualities of an officer). For warfare style I'm up for being an infantry officer (sword, halberd, etc.) or sniper. As Carlos Hathcock so eloquently put it: the deadliest thing on a battlefield is a well-aimed bullet.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
SGT Aaron Atwood -
LOVE IT ~~ "the deadliest thing on a battlefield is a well-aimed bullet."
LOVE IT ~~ "the deadliest thing on a battlefield is a well-aimed bullet."
1976-2000. The era of small wars with definitive endings. Modern medicine and antibiotics. Phones and radios for communication. Combined arms and joint warfare. Plus...the military trained for large scale known war to maintain the peace. While older ages may be romanticized, once you get pre-WWII, that is gruesome warfare. All war is bad, but dying from a slashing or stabbing wound is torturous. Slow. Painful. A clash of steel and flesh. No thanks.
MSG Thomas Currie
That seems to be a good choice -- especially when you add in the overwhelming technical superiority our equipment generally provided.
I had been about to select the immediately prior era 1965-1975, mostly due to our technical and organizational superiority -- my own experience had also included the additional advantages of a significantly superior unit and (mostly) excellent commanders.
I had been about to select the immediately prior era 1965-1975, mostly due to our technical and organizational superiority -- my own experience had also included the additional advantages of a significantly superior unit and (mostly) excellent commanders.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Someone Once Said, And I TOTALLY Agree:
"Wouldn't It Be Great If A War Was Proclaimed
And Nobody Showed Up"?
"Wouldn't It Be Great If A War Was Proclaimed
And Nobody Showed Up"?
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