Posted on Dec 10, 2014
LTC 1 Ad Pmo
How do we have open discussions on race and when are they needed? I guess in our business we don't really see a difference. I know that everyone has their prejudices but I don't believe for a minute that it is all about skin color. Right or wrong, we have to move forward as a country.
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Responses: 11
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
The habitual labeling needs to end and the media needs to lead the charge. The first black female, the first gay man, the fist Latina/Latino, the first Asian American - it's all got to go. A white officer shoots a black suspect and the country goes crazy. A black officer shoots a white suspect and its 8th page news - thank the media. Ever take a look at the racial makeup of most professional sports teams - don't see anyone crying discrimination there. Race needs to be discussed equally and applied evenly to all topics, we and the media can't just pick and choose where it applies and what issues will get the most bang for the buck.

IMHO, we're Americans first and foremost.
MSG Wade Huffman
MSG Wade Huffman
>1 y
You, Sir, are (unfortunately) correct. The media drives the national agenda these days, and the sheeple ore more than willing to drink in every drop.
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LTC Paul Labrador
Race is an issue. It always will be. We have to accept that fact. The problem is the assumption that the root reason of conflict is always someone's race. Maybe it's simply that you're an A-hole that happens to be white, black, green, purple.
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PO2 Sales Associate
The first slaves were brought to America in 1619. President Lincoln freed the slave 1JAN1863. However with the implement of Jim Crow/seperate but equal. True legal freedom came 2JUL1964. My point is, it has only been 51 years since we legally put slavery behind us. There are going to be people on both sides slow to change. It is incumbent upon those of us who want to be a civilized society to be the example of those mired in the past. Getting of my soap box now
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