Posted on Dec 9, 2014
SSG(P) Instructor
You have to be brave to answer this one. I will present a few options: Work, PT, eating, Surfing the internet, dipping, smoking, extreme sports, drinking, cards or gambling, drinking coffee, running, and of course messing with the LT.

I came in right when the internet was taking off...1990, so I blame the military....and RP. I did a stint with dipping, but only leaf, couldn't do the worm dirt. You can be infantry and not dip, right? And of course, coffee. I do like a fine beer, I prefer German beers, but who gets picky when it is free?

Add your addictions as you see fit...carry on, the LT has left the building, not lets rat**ck his gear...
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 67
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Being early to events, and getting ticked off in my mind at people who consistently show up late. No excuse for that stuff.
MSG Wade Huffman
MSG Wade Huffman
>1 y
Absolutely! 15 minutes early is 'On Time', anything short of that is LATE!
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree completely on this one!!!
SFC Network Engineer
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
My rule is, and always has been since I switched to the "dark" side (aka: SOF): "TOT +/- 30 seconds..." Of course, it should be noted that I'm never late, unless I have to be late, this meaning: I'm probably fighting a fire (no, literally, I'm actually probably fighting a fire as I'm a volunteer Firefighter).
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PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
Is it sick that I still roll my t-shirts after all of these years? Thank you DIs at Ft. McClellan AL
SFC Peter Cyprian
SFC Peter Cyprian
>1 y
PV2 (Join to see)

"What is wrong with us? LOL"- where to begin?? If I had it all recorded on a scroll it would look like a mutant roll of Bounty!! :-)
SGT Edward Thomas
SGT Edward Thomas
>1 y
Did you sneak in my house to take that picture while I am on the boat?
1SG Eric Rice
1SG Eric Rice
>1 y
Socks and T-shirts must be rolled. What is bad is that my spouse was in the Army as well so everything must be dress right dress. At least we don't fight over how to roll socks...
SFC Cindy Paris
SFC Cindy Paris
>1 y
My closet is set up by pants, dresses, blouses, T shirts, then sweat shirts. Every thing facing the same way and matched by color. Dresser is neatly folded and stacked. My husband and kids make fun of me for it.
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SSG Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
growing up in the real bad part of Detroit taught me the worst habits that luckily the army fixed. no more saggy clothes, I take pride in my uniform and civilian appearance. I eat a more balanced meal rather than the mcdonalds dollar menu I used to eat. I was taken in and mentored by great leaders to become one as well. My addiction is mostly all positive. only negatives is I catch myself swearing more often (mostly while deployed) and I drink coffee or redbull in the morning.
I almost forgot, video games. never picked up a remote until i joined the army. now I have a system and a ton of games.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Glad to hear some're living the Military dream...the million dollar education and we are getting paid to do it. Civilian employers everywhere will be happy to hire you if you don't make this a lifetime commitment. Get as much out of your service as you .02.
SSG Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
thanks for the advice. I dont plan on leaving just yet. I have 7 years in and just signed to do another 6. I plan on doing over 20 years. key word...PLAN lol. the past is way behind me. I am now married with 2 kids, great job also army reservist.
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