Posted on May 15, 2018
How can I make sure my drill sergeant packet doesn’t get denied?
I have been in 3 years and 7 months been a SGT since March. I am looking to go drill sergeant when my TIS and TIG requirements are met. What can I do to make sure my packet doesn’t get denied? How can I beef it up? I will have a 270+ APFT hoping to get ALC before as well. How else can I make sure it looks good? Can I submit it early/prior to my TIS/TIG requirements are met? Any advice to help me with this endeavor is greatly appreciated!!
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 10
Female DS are always in need.
If you have no derogatory info in your packet, no waivers needed, Meet the prerequisites and have the time on station needed to be eligible for reassignment, your all but assured to get a DS assignment
If you have no derogatory info in your packet, no waivers needed, Meet the prerequisites and have the time on station needed to be eligible for reassignment, your all but assured to get a DS assignment
Higher PT SCOREs AND a PHONE CALL TO DSS SELECTION office or HR. Keep checking on your packet...

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