Posted on Dec 8, 2014
1SG James L Vetter
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I don't remember handing out stress cards to anyone... I am sure we just stressed them out and made them better soldiers... What do you think?
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Responses: 21
LTC Stephen C.
Edited 10 y ago
I reported to the reception station at Fort Jackson, SC on 28OCT69. BCT with D-3-1 on Tank Hill from 11NOV69 to 16JAN70. I don't even want to speculate as to how much BCT has changed from then to now.
1SG James L Vetter
1SG James L Vetter
10 y
Very true, I can remember Wall to Wall Counseling and if your were stressed out you got recycled to the next unit that was starting up week 1 of basic training.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
1SG James L Vetter, we had a guy in our BCT class that had already been recycled once for drunkeness. I can't remember what week they let us get beer, but even at that it was 3.2% beer (flavored carbonated water). During our cycle, he did it again and he became absoutely so drunk he acted like he was insane. Sure enough, he got recycled again, but I never knew waht happened to him after that.
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MAJ Medical Operations Officer
1SG James L Vetter Good Duffleblog article. A lot of tongue and cheek, but it's probably true in many ways. When a recruit can get on their cell phone and get on Facebook to talk about how easy it is, there's a problem. Usually SoulSnatchers or U.S. Army WTF Moments will call them out for a deserved smoking.
Bottom line - They're too connected to the outside world during initial training.
MAJ David Vermillion
MAJ David Vermillion
>1 y
Remember this one thing, everyone entering the military expects the training to be disciplined and tough. The training is tough on some and easy on others, I would love to talk to both sides to get their response and see why they answered the way they did. I felt in 1962 boot camp was very difficult and I too say it has gotten easier, but we have to look at who's talking and be more specific as to what is easier nowadays. There is too much hearsay about the training, we do turn out good troops capable of defending this country. Great question!
1SG James L Vetter
1SG James L Vetter
>1 y
Basic Training was certainly an experience that I am glad I did but would never want to do it again.
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1SG Cameron M. Wesson
Edited >1 y ago
1SG James L Vetter and RP Team!

I think that this survey is questionable at best. At Fortress Benning in 1983... We were less than pathetic! Didn't know what tough was! We were soft and pathetic... Charlie would destroy us!

I'm sure the centurions of the Roman Legions had the same challenges and complaints in 600BC.

But we did well in Central America... And then along comes 1991... circa the first Desert Games... And we did well again!

Then we were asked to change up in the Balkans... And we did well again in a new environment!

Then again 9\11! We did great! I admit that this is pride speaking... But facts are facts. We did more mission with less resources... And we lost less people than in past events.

My submission is simply this! Times change and so do people... and the recruits we get. I had soldiers in 2004 that understood world politics and the operational environment better than most officers did in 1985... and NCOs.

Easier? In what respect? Physical and Mental? Let's do an analytical study of content... Then speak from a position of fact... Not opinion. Fact.. Physical training standards are higher today than 1987. Basic training has more tasks taught than what we had in 1983. Fact: in my OSUT class alone almost 60% had to go to mandatory GED classes at night. We heap more leadership on a soldier now than when I was a CPL... and to all ranks. And amazingly enough... Most rise to the challenge and excel!

Let's wave a red card on this! Let's agree that its different. Why? Be cause we, the Army, evolves! Not quickly... But quicker than most companies that bankrupt... Or species that become extinct. Why... Because of the NCO Corps! And the Officer Corps!

I've been retired ten years. I'm proud of the soldiers I see...everyday.

Now leaders... Ask this... Are those soldiers proud of what they see? Do they respect those that see them as less? That say their soft.

The answer might shock you. I didn't in 1985-1986. I dont think they do either. I didn't like a lot of what I saw during that time... I changed what I could when I could... And left the rest for those that come after. It probably will always be like that.

"And the Army goes rolling along!"

My 2 cents
SPC Charles Griffith
SPC Charles Griffith
>1 y
OUT FUCKING STANDING TOP ! ! ! ! ! ! Couldn't have said it better myself OOOHH RAAAHHH ! ! ! !
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
I earned my blue cord in early 1990 at Fort Benning and I would not like to go back. I have no idea what basic/boot is like these days.
1SG Cameron M. Wesson
1SG Cameron M. Wesson
>1 y
SFC Mark Merino Amen brother! One time through OSUT was enough for me! I got to go back and see it a buddy and former soldier was the 1st Infantry Training Brigade CSM... all I can say... I'm proud of those soldiers that come out. They are very good!
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