Posted on May 8, 2018
Cadet CPL (Pre-Commission)
If you are an armor officer then does that qualify you go go on a spur ride to receive your Stetson/silver spurs? Or do you have to be specifically assigned to a cav unit within the armor branch?
I have researched this extensively but was confused because technically armor took the place of cavalry as a branch-I think. I’m just in my 2nd year of rotc was was researching branches. Thanks!
Posted in these groups: Cavalry collar insignia CavalryArmor 19A: Armor Officer
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SGT Joseph Gunderson
The stetson isn't really earned. It is commonly accepted that if you belong to a cavalry unit that you can usually wear the stetson with your appropriately colored acorns. What is earned are your combat knots on the acorn rope. Also, spurs are earned via deployments with the Cav or Spur Rides.
SSgt Jay Watson
SSgt Jay Watson
1 y
The spurs are also earned by USAF assigned to direct support to Cav units. I do have my stetson & spurs to wear my entire life.
SSgt Jay Watson
SSgt Jay Watson
1 y
SSgt Jay Watson - Plus a few medals from the Army. The issue with the Spurs are Single or Married. Up or Down. Mine are still up.
SSgt Jay Watson
SSgt Jay Watson
1 y
Also my Grandfather served in 3rd Army under Gen Patton. I earned my spurs in 2003.
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MAJ Assistant Professor Of Military Science
You will wear the Stetson only when assigned to a Cavalry unit, which includes Cavalry Squadrons within all BCT formations, Cavalry Regiments, and the 1st Cavalry Division. There are two types of Spurs, Silver and Gold. Silver Spurs are earned by completion of a Spur Ride event with your unit, and Gold Spurs are earned as "Combat Spurs" by completing a deployment with a Cavalry Organization.

They are all unofficial awards, and are governed by local policies and not by Army Regulations.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
1 y
That last sentence is the key to any discussion about stetsons and spurs -- they are governed by local policies -- which are different in different units and which change from time to time, often without any formal publication.

Sometimes a Bde or Div commander will just say NO and all that "cav" stuff disappears until the next commander takes over.

The 1st "Cavalry" Division has a rather extensive detailed policy on the topic. Some Cav units copy/paste parts of it or just refer to it.
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SSG Orderly Room Ncoic
while assigned to a cavalry unit you can wear a stetson (with appropriate cord), you have to earn your spurs. Units will have a guideline on the wear and appearance of your stetson
SGT Combat Engineer
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
Yes, this. I never did this. But when I was in the Squadron Aid Station for HHT 1/3 ACR, one or two other medics went to some 3-day thing to earn their spurs withe regiment. Obviously, being medics, they weren't Cav MOS, but we were assigned to Cav unit.

Also, Ai-EE-yah!
SPC Armor Crew Member
SPC (Join to see)
5 y
So what are the appropriate cords? Long ago I was Brave Troop 1/10 Cav. Ready and Forward, then 3 ACR came to town, and I joined Lightning Troop Thunder Squadron 3 ACR Brave Rifles.
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