Posted on May 6, 2018
Is it remotely possible for me to re-enlist with an RE-3?
A couple years ago a stupid 17yo me enlisted and shit happened in boot camp so I was sent home with a JFW separation code and reentry code 3. 17yo me never thought very far, so that was not the right move there. But since it's been four years now and I'm 21 now, I wanted to know if it's possible these days to try and get back in. If anyone wants more info, I'd be more than willing to provide it via messaging.
I'm an adult now, I can take honesty... If I can, I can. If I can't, I can't and will go right back to what I was doing in the first place.
I'm an adult now, I can take honesty... If I can, I can. If I can't, I can't and will go right back to what I was doing in the first place.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
Yes I was able to reenlist with an RE-3. You just have to find a good recruiter willing to get you back in.
SPC Jovani Daviu
I am still in-processing. Since February 23rd. I haven't even been given a MEPS date. My recruiter is still waiting for some of my military paperwork.
What exactly is your medical condition? What’s the narrative reason for separation?
A 3 is waiverable cause I just enlisted this year with a 3 but it took work!
A 3 is waiverable cause I just enlisted this year with a 3 but it took work!
It's a lot easier to get a waiver for this kind of thing if you were never prescribed any medications for psychiatric issues. If you have, you would have to be "off the pills" for an extended period as approved by a mental health professional (not just quitting the pills yourself). If you have a clean bill of health and have had one since you were Discharged, I'd say your waiver has a decent chance of being approved. No history of long period of mental health issues, no extended medication use, and no suicide attempts means that it will be a lot easier to give you a go. Good luck.
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